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  • Hierarchical Webgrid

    How to make the Relation of hierarchical webgrid for 3 layes.

    I have 3 tables in my dataset and i wrote relation like this.




    "GetMeetingExpenceByDiv"].Columns[0], dsMeetExp.Tables[


  • Making UltraWebgrid rendering faster

    I have Infragistics UltraWebGrid and other 30-40 simple HTML controls in
     one update panel (of AJAXControlToolkit.) We are using net 2.0,
    Infragistics 9.1 version and browser used is Internet Exploer 6.0.
    On postback (caused by any control inside…
  • DataSource Class within a Class what to put in the Key field for bind


    This is my class structure.  How do I reference the Name property of the Details class, it currently fails and throws a javascript error with no data in the Name field.  Forgive my syntax if it's incorrect as this is an example that follows the concept…

  • Resize last column on ultrawebgrid

    I currently have an ultrawebgrid  that I populate dynamically. I am able to resize the columns except for the last column. I was wondering if this was an issue for this grid?

  • Hide details in OutlookGroupBy mode

    This has been discussed before, that WebGrid cannot handle large amount of data in OutlookGroupBy mode (e.g. when several groups are created, 1000+ records in each). But in our scenario we don't really need full details, only actual groups with row counts…

  • WebGrid page giving javascript error when i use Filtering with FilterUIType=FilterRow

    WebGrid page giving javascript error when i use Filtering with FilterUIType=FilterRow.

    Grid has templater column and sorting enabled. when i use FilterUIType=HeaderIcons it works fine.

    But when i use FilterUIType=FilterRow, page runs but has javascript…

  • Webgrid with multiple DropDownBox's in a single column


    I am trying to create a dropdown column in which the values of that dropdownbox are set depending on the value of another field.

    For example if there is 5 in the column, the dropdown list with show "=", "like" as option in the dropdown list. and…

  • Javascript error in UltraWebGrid

    I am using NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 1 CLR 2.0. I am getting an javascript error occationally when a edit operation is done in the UltraWebGrid.


    I get the following error

    "Object doesn't support this property or method"

    in the…

  • DataFormatString

    I'm trying to use the DataFormatString to format a date without having the time trailing after it.  I've set htmlencode to false and the dataformatstring to {0:d} but it's still showing with the time trailing after it.  Any ideas on what's wrong…

  • Need default date treated as null

    We're using a grid where we display a "due date," which if not specifically set, displays a "default" (1/1/2000, I think). Is there a way to trick the grid into treating this date as "null" for display purposes (so that it will not display)?…

  • To databind or not, that is the question


    I have a webgrid which connects to a datasource. When I set the .connectionString and .SelectCommand props my webgrid is automatically databound, right?

    So my question is, should I avoid doing this if it is a postback? Because if I don't "Group…

  • Filter Frustration

    It would seem that too many choices are just as bad as not enough.  Getting the filtering in the WebGrid to work seems to be some arcane combination of property settings and event handling code but the array of choices is just bewildering.  I've tried every…

  • sorting in ultra web grid

    Hi guys,

    I have a  ultra web grid which has 4 columns , i want it sort  the content based on first column.

    I wrote the following code in my ultrawebgrid_initializelayout()







  • "bad" and "very bad" message when grouping columns in a grid

    We are using Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v5.3. When groping data by dragging column on top of the header message box pops up several times with text "bad", or "very bad". It seems that java script is executing in a loop during the…

  • Does the UltraWebGrid have a property to activate a row when hovered upon ?


    I'm trying to write a drag and drop routine.  I have a split pane with a tree on one side and a WebGrid on the other.  When the user chooses a node from the tree and drags it to the grid, I want the row which the user hovers over to activate…

  • Ultra web grid paging Problem


    I am selecting the row of a grid in javascript,but when i am changing the page in the grid the selected row get lost, i want to show the row selected even when the user changes the page and back to the page in which he selects that row.

    The code…

  • UltraWebGrid JavaScript Wrong Version

    Can someone help me figure out why this is happening?

    I have upgraded from 5.1 to 6.2 and have patched 6.2 to work with IE7.

    The javascript files loaded are the ones from the 5.1 version, and are causing errors.

    Here is the UltraWebGrid registration…

  • UltraWebGrid added Dynamically


    I'm trying to write a reporting page using the UltraWebGrid component. Essentially what I've done is add in the component to my web from via C# code. All works well and it will hook up to my data source (also created via the C# code) and display…

  • Can't set a date column client side with a format applied

    I have this grid.

    <igtbl:UltraWebGrid id="TheGrid" runat="server">
    <DisplayLayout AutoGenerateColumns="false" />
    <igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="TheDate…

  • adding a attribute to row event argument cell -


    I have UltraWebGrid and I want to use initializerow event like this

     protected void InitializeRow(object sender, RowEventArgs e)
     ((HyperLink)e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Name")).Attributes.Add("onclick", "'AddUser.aspx?Mode=E&&Id…

  • HOWTO: Hierarchical checkbox selection with an Infragistics UltraWebGrid

    I couldn't find any guide on how to enable hierarchical checkbox selection in the UltraWebGrid (checking a checkbox in a parent row checks the boxes in its children rows), so I made a blog post about it when I was done.  Check it out if you need the…

  • MouseOverHandler not working on added column header

    I'm trying to display a customised tooltip for column headers using javascript (show/hide a div with dynamic innertext). I'm adding in extra column headers in the Page_Load dynamically (the column headers have multiple rows)...but the MouseOver event…

  • Web Combo Value in Web Grid Cell

    Hi folks,

    I have a WebGrid set up with a WebCombo as a cell editor so that a user can select a value from the drop down to populate the cell value. I have type ahead set up on the WC and it has been working well.

    If you try and type a value that is…

  • UpdateRowBatch and WebDialogWindow....


    I have a case where I have to use UpdateRowBatch, but I want to send a response back to the client saying the update succeded for failed.  I can then display the WebDialogWindow with the correct message.

    I know that with XML enabled that I…

  • ASP.NET UpdatePanel and Timer Interfere with WebGrid


    I have an interesting issue.  I have an ASP.NET UpdatePanel on the page with a Timer in it that posts back every 15 seconds.  Separately (outside the UpdatePanel), but on the same page, I have an editable UltraWebGrid.  There is also a 'Save' button…