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  • Excel Export & Filter

    I'm using the UltraWebGridExcelExporter control to export my WebGrid data to an Excel file. So as to export all data (and not only the first 50 rows), I use the following "technique", as advised in the (defunct-now) old Infragistics forum …

  • WebGrid page giving javascript error when i use Filtering with FilterUIType=FilterRow

    WebGrid page giving javascript error when i use Filtering with FilterUIType=FilterRow.

    Grid has templater column and sorting enabled. when i use FilterUIType=HeaderIcons it works fine.

    But when i use FilterUIType=FilterRow, page runs but has javascript…

  • Filter Frustration

    It would seem that too many choices are just as bad as not enough.  Getting the filtering in the WebGrid to work seems to be some arcane combination of property settings and event handling code but the array of choices is just bewildering.  I've tried every…

  • Checkbox in Filter Options

    I am trying to build a Pivot Table type Filter options, trying to provide feature of showing checkbox against each filter option. How can I achieve this using WebGrid and allow user to filter based on more than one values in a column.



  • AJAX Filtering and html formatting

    Hi all,

    I have a search page, where the hits are shown in an UltraWebGrid. I use html formatting to highlight the search terms in the grid. In the InitializeRowEvent, the text of every cell containing the search_term is changed by replacing the search_term…