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  • Webgrid - not showing all child bands


    I have a webgrid that has a parent band and 3 child bands(all child bands are related to the parent band by a record id number.  Here is the code:



  • Webgrid IsBound not effective


    I'm finding that when I set the datasource of my webgrid to a DataSet (or table in that DataSet), the fixed columns I created are being ignored, and only AutoGenerateColumns = true returns any data.

    If however I set the datasource to a LINQ…

  • AutoGenerate Column = false


    I am using webgrid where I want to show only some fields of many fetch from database. so I have make autogenerate property of webgrid to false.
    Now what should I change in HTML so that I can show only some fields, i guess i should add UltraGridColumn…