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  • Getting the multipule cells selected valaues from ultraweb grrid


    I am a new bie for ASP.NET(with C#) Programing

    I trying to Get the multipule selected cell values and sum the same.

    I am able to select the cells(multipule) in UltraWebGrid

    BU Iam not able to get the get values and SUM the same

    Plzzzz Helpme

  • Gird Seleted Items Values


    I working on UltraWebGird

    My Requirement is I can select Multipule cells (that contains 'Int' Values) on the grid

    I need the all the selected values to collect in variable to sum(Addition) ,

    And I have to display the same in TooTip.


  • How to track that cell has been changed on an ultrawebgrid?

    Hi all,

     I would like to know if there is a way I can track that a cell has been selected and the value has changed?

    Here is my situation:

    I have a webgrid with 4 columns, column 1 has customer ID, column 2 has Customer Name, column 3 has contains a…