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  • Column Widths with grouping bands and fixed table-layout

    Dear all. I have grid with grouping bands, and use DisplayLayout.TableLayout = Fixed (it is necessary to draw ellipsis on text overflow).

    What I need : grid should take 100% width and it should be possible to resize each column (and set their width…
  • Load on Demand Ajax Row Update Multi Band

     Strange thing append,

    whene the event  UpdateRow is fired from a cell of a child band

    the object  RowEventArgs e is missing some information.  in fact the e.Row.ParentRow is always Null.

    So i can't refere to information in the parent row. and i need those informations…

  • How to apply CSS in Bands (Header, Rows and Alternate Rows)?


         I am using Infragistics Net Advantage 2006 for ASP.NET (CLR 2.0). In VS 2005, I have created 3 bands...first one to show group header, second one to show group sub header and third one to show the data in grid. I have appplied CSS to all the bands…