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  • Strange behaviour (bug?) with Infragistics WebGrid when sorting in Outlook Group By mode


    I think I have encountered a bug in the WebGrid control.

    I have created a datasource which connects to the NWind db and returns all data from the "Alphabetical List of Products" view.  I have initialised a WebGrid control with this datasource…

  • How to cancel user selected sort

    Hi All,I’m using Infragistic grid 6.3.I create a DataView and sort my data prior to displaying it in the grid by columns “C” and “D”. I also AllowSorting.OnClient. When the user clicks on the column “A” to sort, it works, but when I do a new search I expect…
  • Having trouble sorting a DateTime Column...


    I've got a grid with several alpha-numeric columns that sort fine, but the DateTime column does not sort correctly.  When you click the header it will change the order of the rows but it is not it any logical order.  It's funny because it seems…

  • UltraWebGrid not showing cell data when sorting

    This is the code to my webgrid:

    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="_UP1" runat="server">


    <igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="UG1" runat="server" Browser="Xml" Height="200px" Width=…
  • sort + postback clears all data

    i have a an ultrawebgrid which holds about 3000 rows, i don't use a pager, all the rows are in a single page and i'm having trouble with sorting it.

    since using the built in sort functions takes to much time since the table is very big, my last…

  • How to use the SortMulti property?


     I'm desesperatly trying to user the sortmulti property for one of my webGrids.

    In fact, I have special requirements for the sorting.

    Let's say that my grid has 4 columns. (col1, col2, col3 and col4). The sort when clicking on col2,col3 and…