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  • Adding child row to a web-grid with javascript

    I am having some trouble adding the first child row to a webgrid.  I believe I have all the pemissions set correctly, however the following line returns null for aRow

    var aRow = igtbl_addNew(oGrid, 1); 

  • Using webnavbar's insert and submit with webgrid

    I am using the webnavbar with an ultrawebgrid (which uses fixed row filtering) . I have the delete button deleting rows correctly. I have the insert button adding a row to the grid but no postback is ever performed to fire off the AddRow or AddRowBatch…

  • Urgent:Could not find asp:FileUpload control in a template column when adding new row


    I am using webgrid with a Ms-Acess database using Oledbdataadapter.

    I want to upload two files to the database.I am using asp fileupload control in template columns of the grid for achieving this.

    Now the problem is that when a new row is added to…

  • Using webnavbar's insert and submit with webgrid

    I am using the webnavbar with an ultrawebgrid (which uses fixed row filtering) . I have the delete button deleting rows correctly. I have the insert button adding a row to the grid but no postback is ever performed to fire off the AddRow or AddRowBatch…