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  • HOWTO: Hierarchical checkbox selection with an Infragistics UltraWebGrid

    I couldn't find any guide on how to enable hierarchical checkbox selection in the UltraWebGrid (checking a checkbox in a parent row checks the boxes in its children rows), so I made a blog post about it when I was done.  Check it out if you need the…

  • UltraWebGrid and doPostBack


    I am using the UltraWebGrid inside an UpdatePanel on my page and I am getting numerous Javascript errors after I call the __doPostBack function from a client-side event handler. The grid works fine beforehand, but after the function is called many…

  • client side event does not fire on cell with Column.Format set


    I meet a problem with formated cells, ultrawebgrid. I am using v7.1.20071.1061 (latest hotfix of v7.1 installed).

    I use a ultrawebgrid, with a column that have Column.Format = $###,##0.00 (a currency column). I have setup a client side event for this…