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  • Filter Frustration

    It would seem that too many choices are just as bad as not enough.  Getting the filtering in the WebGrid to work seems to be some arcane combination of property settings and event handling code but the array of choices is just bewildering.  I've tried every…

  • Does the UltraWebGrid have a property to activate a row when hovered upon ?


    I'm trying to write a drag and drop routine.  I have a split pane with a tree on one side and a WebGrid on the other.  When the user chooses a node from the tree and drags it to the grid, I want the row which the user hovers over to activate…

  • Webgrid

    I was wondering if there was a way to display the first 3 key columns in the grid when the user scrolls from left to right while looking at the other columns. I would like to still keep the outlook group by functionality.

  • WebCombo in WebGrid trigger by double click instead of single click

     Hi all,

     I am wondering whether is possible to have a webcombo in webgrid that trigger by double click instead?

    Because, I would like to single click a webgrid cell to create / display another webgrid on page with additional information regarding the cell…

  • Can I bind a webgrid to a datareader?

    I was wondering if I can just bind a web grid to a datareader that is instanciated at runtime? or do I have to loop through the datareader to populate the columns and rows? Is there any help docs on this?
  • UltraWebGrid and doPostBack


    I am using the UltraWebGrid inside an UpdatePanel on my page and I am getting numerous Javascript errors after I call the __doPostBack function from a client-side event handler. The grid works fine beforehand, but after the function is called many…

  • AutoGenerate Column = false


    I am using webgrid where I want to show only some fields of many fetch from database. so I have make autogenerate property of webgrid to false.
    Now what should I change in HTML so that I can show only some fields, i guess i should add UltraGridColumn…

  • XMLLoadOnDemand Problem!


     I have a WebGrid, that's using XMLLoadOnDemand. It's set to Virtual. On my local everything is working fine.

    But a problem comes up on PROD server.

    It seems, it's acting like "Accumulative" loading instead of the "Virtual" that i have specified…

  • Refresh webcombo on Ultrawebgid by a cell button


    On the Ultrawebgrid, for each row, I have a cell is a webcombo, and a cellbutton next to it.

    Because the data is extremely large (over 400K), the type ahead on webcombo is not a feasible as it is impossible to load 400K data on initial stage. So,…