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  • Confirm Deletion via WebNavBar

    I have an UltraWebGrid with data in it, a WebNavBar displaying the add and delete buttons, and they are tied togeather by the GridID.

    I want to add a client side confirmation message before the delete event executes.  The add and delete events work fine…

  • Using webnavbar's insert and submit with webgrid

    I am using the webnavbar with an ultrawebgrid (which uses fixed row filtering) . I have the delete button deleting rows correctly. I have the insert button adding a row to the grid but no postback is ever performed to fire off the AddRow or AddRowBatch…

  • Using webnavbar's insert and submit with webgrid

    I am using the webnavbar with an ultrawebgrid (which uses fixed row filtering) . I have the delete button deleting rows correctly. I have the insert button adding a row to the grid but no postback is ever performed to fire off the AddRow or AddRowBatch…