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  • Changing Time on UltraCalendarCombo without typing colon

    I have an UltraCalendarCombo where I have set the format to:  MM/dd/yy   HH:mm

    when a user highlights the time portion and types a new 4 digit time, the new value is not retained when the user tabs away from the control.

    if the user types in the colon in…

  • UltraCalendarCombo shows last week of months twice


    Currently on my application, i have a ultra calendar combo which shows last week of months twice which happens only for month of December. 


  • Implement Outlook style calendar using UltraWinSchedule controls


    I'm using Infragistics 15.2. I want to have a functionality for Calendar similar to Outlook Calendar. Here I have attached a screenshot of Outlook Calendar which describes the Day View. I want the same functionality of Outlook Calendar to merge resource…

  • UltraTimelineView: keep appointment Y position

    I have an UltraTimelineView with appointments in it. Lets say, I have these three appointments for 1 owner:

    A1: 08:00 AM - 12:00 AM

    A2: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    A3: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

    So the output will produce 2 "rows" of appointments. In row 1 there is…

  • how to change the appointments bar color


    I am using a custom Form instead of the default Appointment form. My Custom form has control(uSetColor) to select Color. Which when i select i want that particular appointment to be set with the Appointment bar color as what is selected in uSetColor…

  • Hide the days of previous and next months in an UltraMonthViewMulti calendar

    Is there a way to hide the days of previous and next months in an UltraMonthViewMulti calendar?

    Like with the web calendar:

    Thank you…

  • UltraMonthViewMulti : day background colour


    I want to use a calendar that allows the user to pick several dates by clicking on them. 

    My question is, how can I change the background colour of the days the user clics on, when using an UltraMonthViewMulti ? (Although I've never used an UltraMonthViewMulti…

  • UltraMonthViewSingle double-clicking existing appointments

    Good Day!

    I have a form that contains both an UltraDayView and an UltraMonthViewSingle control.  Both of these controls are bound to the same UltraCalendarInfo.

    To the UltraCalendarInfo instance I’m creating and adding Appointments.

    I can see…

  • All day appointments appearing over two days in Week view


    I have the following problem using v14.2.20142.1000

    • ·         Create new appointment – defaults to all day event
    • ·         Click on Recurrence – default values shown below and OK clicked
      • o   Once saved, start and end times automatically…
  • Translate reminder buttons


    I'm using reminderDialog within CalendarInfo.CheckAppointmentReminders();

    How can i have the ReminderDialog in FRENCH language.

    I tried in the Main of Program.c   dosn't work.

    System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo…

  • Print lists of Appointments separated by owner

    I want to print lists of appointments separated by owner. Lets say its monday morning and all my crews need their list of jobs for today / this week. I have tried a UltraSchedulePrintDocument in UltraPrintPreviewDialog. The Details view is most like i…

  • TimelineView Display X Number of Days

    Is there a way to make a TimelineView Display a certain number of days?

  • Override text displayed for appointments in day/week/month controls

    We are using the schedule controls to manage appointments for sales people. Our appointment entity has a number of fields in addition to those required by the schedule controls, including a customer and an appointment type (visit, phone call, etc). We…

  • AfterSelectedDateRangeChange fires differently when breakpoint set (or not)

    I'm having a strange issue with selecting a date range and the AfterSelectedDateRangeChange event firing...depening on if I have a breakpoint set on the event or not:

    I have an event for when the user selects a day:

    Private Sub ultraCalendarInfo1_AfterActiveDayChanged…

  • Detecting appointments being moved by dragging in the various schedule controls


    This message applies to the 2013.1 release. I'm having some issues with detecting when appointments are moved or resized on the UltraDayView, UltraWeekView and UltraMonthViewSingle controls. We are using databinding to populate the controls and our…

  • Appointment Appearance BackColor changing

    Good Afternoon!

    I’m pretty new at working with Appearances on these infragistics objects.  I’m wondering why the following behavior when setting the BackColor on an Appointment instance…then adding to a collection.


    A different “type…

  • Hide all time slots / show only all day events


    I've got a situation that's a bit strange in that I'm using the schedule components on a project where all the appointments are (and ever will be) all day events.  For this reason, having the time slots appear in the various calendar…

  • Show multiple (narrowed) appointments in UltraMonthViewSingle

    Hey there,

    i got (hopefully) a pretty easy problem. After a lot of research in this forum i found nothing that answers my question. 

    How i can show multiple appointments in the UltraMonthViewsingle Control? Clearly, when i increase the size of the control…

  • appointment.isremoved=true fires appointment.makevariancehelper

    Hi all,

    our appointment are bound to a databasetable. All works as expected.

    But when we set .isremoved=true on a single event of a recurring appointment then the events

    appointment.makevariancehelper ....
    variancescollection.add ....

  • UltraMonthViewSingle scroll tooltip slides across screen in windows 8.1

    I have a calendar setup showing 5 weeks with outlook 2007 style. This calendar works great except when you grab the scrollbar and slide it up/down in windows 8.1 the tip for the active week slides across the screen to the left.

    It only occurs in windows…

  • Translating titles in UltraTimeLineView


    In my application, I have an UltraTabControl with 3 tabs: an UltraDayView, an UltraMonthViewSingle and an UltreTimeLineView.  They all use a common UltraCalendarInfo object.  In this object, I modified the days of the week and months of the year names…

  • UltraTimeLineView Scrolling vertically when dragging appointment


    I have two UltraTimelineViews, one for unassigned appointments, one for owners. I have implemented event handling for AppointmentsDragging, DragOver and DragDrop as I will permit or prohibit appointment drop according to the owner in question. How…

  • Event continuation arrow event

    Is there an event that can be handled for when the user clicks one of the arrow icons that show when an event continues off the edge of the timeline?

  • UltraTimeLineView Scrolling vertically when dragging appointment

    Is there any built in way for the UltraTimeLineView to scroll vertically through owners if you drag an appointment to the bottom or top boundaries?

    If not, then what is the best way to scroll vertically programatically?


  • WinSchedule performance issues

    I have been using WinSchedule (or rather UltraCalendarInfo, UltraMonthViewSingle etc) in my application for some time and as such the number of appointments has grown massively as I automatically create entries in the database - I am using it as more…