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  • Customize UI of Win Schedule Appointment


    I am reposting this because i have posted this in a wrong place... I need to embedd the two dropdowns in a Win Schedule appointment object and i also need to have control over their data binding for these two dropdowns. In other words i have to

  • UltraDayView Appointment only show left border

    I am looking to only show the border for an appointment on the left hand side, I found a way to change the border color using appointment.Appearance.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(214, 240, 254). This allowed me to essentially hide the border by making…

  • Change time slot divider style/color in UltraDayView

    Is there a way to change the divider style between time slots, right now it is a solid Line, is it possible to make it a dashed line, or even change the color in some way?

  • Bold certain items on an Appointment in ultra day view

    I have found out how to bold all the text on the appointment in the UltraDay View but I cannot figure out how to bold just the subject, or even better just the first line. Any ideas?

  • Calendar (day view) schedules for multiple people

    I am currently making EWS calls and am able to get back the Availability / Busy times with start/end DateTime values for multiple people. I now need a way to display this within a UI. Ideally I would show something very similar to the Scheduling Assistant…

  • Culture fr-CA not applied correctly for UltraMonthViewSingle


    We are using the UltraMonthViewSingle control to show appointments and we have an issue with the culture fr-CA (using the 24 hours time format) where the PM hours are shown as AM time format. I mean that if we have an appointment from 10h to 23h…

  • Show Diifferent Owners For Different Days

    Lets say from the multimonth view the user selected a week of days.  Lets also say there is 2 owners on the calendar info obect.  OWNER X and OWNER Y.

    I want to show in the day view the first 3 days of appointments for OWNER X and the Last 4 days for OWNER Y 

  • I need to set the hour cells with different appearance and that before the user selects the working hours

    on a ultraDayView control
    I need to set the hour cells with different appearance and that before the user selects the working hours
    And if possible to set a legend it would be great.  
  • How to highlight the full day cell in an UltraMonthViewSingle?


    Is there a way to highlight the full day cell in an UltraMonthViewSingle instead of just the header at the top?

    Thank you!

  • Print custom date header when IncludeDateHeaderArea = false


    I'd like to create a custom header for the printing of a daily, weekly, or monthly calendar.

    I have set IncludeDateHeaderArea = false

    How do I go about extracting the text that was in the header area so I can place it in my custom header…

  • Need input to improve performance of my winschedule control

    Hi Team,

    We are using Winschedule control (UltraDayview, UltraTimeLine, UltraMonthview ).


    We are facing performance problem when we have 70 owners and 15000 appointments in all.


    What should be the best practice or approach to…

  • TImeLineView


    I am wondering if there is a way to see more than one day in UltraTimelineView.

    Thank you.


  • UltraDayView - Hiding the ScheduleCurrentDayHeader


    Is there a way to hide the ScheduleCurrentDayHeader that is used by the UltraDayView control?

  • AllowRecurringAppointments in UltraCalendarInfo is causing issues


    When I set AllowRecurringAppointments property to true, UltraCalendarInfo is throwing an error. This is not consistently repeatable. Once you repeat it, opening the screen with UltracalendarInfo again will throw the same error. You need to close…

  • Questions about Control Behavior and Customization

    Please refer to the questions on the screenshot and let us know the answers if possible?

  • Custom data using Tag property

    I need to customize each appointments image, background color and bar color.  The appointments are bound to my dataset during the load and I would like to bind the Tag property to my CustomerData so that I can refer to those values in the AppointmentDataInitialized…

  • ultraweekview embedded usercontrol


    Can you tell me the way how how i can implement my own usercontrol in the ultraWeekView....

    I want to render a userControl inside the appointement to display some information.


  • Appointments overlap


    We are using 16.2 version and using an UltraDayView bound to an UltraCalendarInfo. The problem we are facing is that there are appointments that are being shown overpaled. We'd like to show one appointment by row when the starting time of next appointment…

  • Can the UltraDayView control have the TimeSlots height set in pixels

    In a project we currently have a slider control controlling the ColumnWidth property of the UltraTimelineView control to adjust the width of the columns to fit it more time primary intervals in.

    We would now like to do the same with the UltraDayView…

  • UltraDayView: Current Time, Element above the appointment

    Hello Everyone, 

    I am trying to manually create a timeline that shows the current time on an ultra day view, i have used the code below to alter the timeslotuielement to show a red line. It works great except it is always behind the appointment, any ideas…

  • Month View is not readjusting after removing users from users filter on left hand side panel


    We are using Infragistic’s calendar and scheduling control in our project

    This post is regarding the problem with ultraMonthViewSingle control. The defect or the problem is seen even in your sample application.

    Please find the details below…

  • How to change the Appointment Height to fit the text inside subject


    I want to diplay a  Multiline subject : 

    I used a customfilter to do that supplied earlier in this site.

    How can i do that correctly ?

    I want to apply a padding on the  text displayed inside the appointment

    Check the file  result.png in the  attached…

  • UltraDayView week style: Adding new day label row on header


    We are using Infragistics 15.2 in our vast project. We are facing a challenge with UltraWinSchedule controls for UltraDayView.

    The UltraDayView controls is binded with UltraCalendarInfo and it will take care of resources and appointments for that. We…

  • Ultra

    Client has a requirement to go to the previous years. but Infragistics calendar is not allowing it.

    I am very new to these Infragistic controls. Any help will be appreciated.

    Which property i need to set in order for user to access previous year's data…

  • Owner ToolTip in UltraTimeLineView

    I'm looking for a way to add a tool tip for individual Owners in the Timeline View.  Basically, I want to provide some details about the Owner when the user hovers over the Owner's header.  Any ideas?