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  • Store Appointment in the database in plain text format. or retrieve dates, location etc from binary field to run the query.


    I want to run the query on my appointment table that has recurrence member and all properties stored in binary format. 

    How can I store the data so it can be used to filter the results? This needs to be done in the database so can not use Infragistics…

  • Scroll for more appointments in UltraMonthView and UltraWeekView


    We use WinSchedule Infragistics UltraControls v16.2 for WinForms.

    When adding multiple appointments to the UltraCalendarInfo, they appear nice in the different views (UltraDayView, UltraWeekView, UltraMonthView and UltraTimeLineView).

    In UltraWeekView…

  • How I can improve performance of modifying owner' appearance property?

    Hi, I bind a calendarInfo with a dataset and it works. This calendarInfo offers information to UltraMonthViewMulti for selecting activeday, to UltraWeekView, Ultra

    UltraMonthViewSingle, UltraWeekView, UltraDayView and UltraTimelineView for showing the…

  • Preventing overlapping appointments in the same time slot

    Hello all,

    I'm working with an v11.2 UltraDayView that allows the user to schedule appointments based on "tasks". Eventually, we'd like to be able to pull back the user's laid-out schedule and create a report based on where they spend their time. For…

  • Changing how many days the UltraDayView scrolls by


    I'm working with an UltraDayView control that allows the user to display numerous appointments for the full work week in two different views: by the single day, or by five days (Friday - Thursday excluding weekends). If the user is currently viewing…

  • Foreign Calendar Display: different weekday

    I application need to display a foreign calender which have different weekend days (Friday and Saturday rather than Saturday and Sunday) also I should be able to set holidays which occurs every year on same day like Christmas day 25th of December and…

  • SaveasXML

    How can I use this SaveASXML in Appointment


  • Recurrence

    1. how can i Know if one particular Schedule was part of Recurring item?

    2. If its part of recurring Schedule how can i get the PARENT Schedule?



  • Null Exception on appointment.clear

    Hi, i'm using the ultradayview (v8 with last hotfix) and i getting a null-exception and didnt know the reason.

    All appointments will be loaded into a ultracalendarinfo. In 30sec intervalls a timer clears all appointments and load them again.

  • Store Extended Appointment Info into database


    I'm using the extendedAppointmentInfo to set and get the custom field I create outlook 2003 dialog. After get the appointment info then i assign it to the appointment tag. I create new appointment and i enter the value into the custom field i create. I…

  • Specifying the WeekHeaderDisplayStyle as WeekNumber makes the UltraMonthViewSingle ignore the UltraCalendarInfo:FirstDayOfWeek

    Hello. The subject of this post pretty much says everything there is to say about my problem. I have a simple UltraMonthViewSingle which has an UltraCalendarInfo attached. Also, the WeekendDisplayStyle, TimeDisplayStyle and AppointmentEndTimeVisible…
  • DateRecurrence Problem ...

    Here is the goal ... I am trying to use the "DateRecurrence" object  (NOT the appointment Recurrence)

    I am unable to find a way to persist the "DateRecurrence" to XML or Binary since the UltraWinSchedule only accepts an AppointmentRecurrence…

  • Customized Assignment Dialogs

    I need an assignment dialog that is similar to what is built in; some fields will stay and others will be replaced. Recurrence is needed. It seems that I can either create my own dialog or customize the built in dialog. I'm not yet sure which way to go…