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  • Change year in UltraMonthViewMulti without using the inbuilt functionality


    I am using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMulti, I've set the 'YearScrollButtonVisible' to false. Now according to the requirement I am using windows buttons and then trying to scroll thru years on the calendar but I am not able…

  • SaveasXML

    How can I use this SaveASXML in Appointment


  • UltraWeekView

    I seems that the "More Appointments" indicator on UltraWeekView was not functioning. Because I have a A LOT of appointments in Day Box of ultraweekview, when i click the MORE APPOINTMENTS indicator it does scroll down to show the other down the line.…

  • Recurrence

    1. how can i Know if one particular Schedule was part of Recurring item?

    2. If its part of recurring Schedule how can i get the PARENT Schedule?



  • Capture doubleClick event for a paticular day on a MonthView Calendar

    Is there a way to  capture doubleClick event for a paticular day on a MonthView Calendar?  The only event I see for this is the DoubleClick on the monthviewCalendar and that also captures double clicks that occur on the scrollbar or anywhere else on the…

  • Custom New Appointment Dialog for UltraDayView and UltraMonthView

    I'm part of group for a college class that is working with a company to create a scheduling system and one of the requirements is to create a custom new appointment form.  Could someone give me an idea of how this is done or links to examples?  I…