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  • Checkbox in the header how to keep values on sort and how to make it not moving

    I am trying to implement ultrawebgrid and I have problem. I have checkbox at the last column in the datagrid. First I would like all the columns in the grid to be able to move, sort and filter, but I want to prevent that checkbox column from moving, I…

  • Missing bottom Boreder for unlocked columns in version 9.1


    I am using Ultra Web Grid Control Version 9.1. For this control I am not getting bottom borders for unlocked columns.The following is the display layout i am using. I am getting the borders in one application which is not having skin and in another…

  • Get Filtered rows


    how i can get only the filtered rows of a webgrid?

  • UltraWebGridExcelExporter

    I am trying to export a Ultra Grid to excel document.  Which I do successfully with:

    uexpAssetMaint.Export(ugrdAScheduleMaint) 'ugrdAScheduleMaint as my grid

    When it displays in Excel I am getting an error message saying that my grid is being exported…

  • WebDateChooser not working

    I have written this code after loading my grid ,


    DelegateUserGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[3].Type = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.




    DelegateUserGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[3].EditorControlID = WebDateChooser1…

  • How to Bind WebdateChooser to webgrid column in client side?

    Hi guys,

    I want to bind a web date chooser to a column in a web grid in the client side using javascript, i.e when i click on the cell, a web date chooser should pop up.

    If u guys have any idea,plz help?

  • Grid With Bubble Tooltip

    Hi All,

               I am using  Ultra Web grid. Single column. a web tab and asyn refresh panel contain the grid.

    I'll Generate a Table for each Row for that single column,When Grid InitializeRow  event... I show a image

    on that grid.... when mouse  move on…

  • WebGrid data binding radio button Checked value within cell template

    Hi all,

    I have a WebGrid with a Template column :

    <igtbl:TemplatedColumn Key="Hours" Width="60px" AllowUpdate="Yes" >
            <div style="display:inline;">
                <asp:RadioButton ID="_rdoBtn0Hr…

  • Infragistic webgrid not working in properly in Google Chrome

    I  am using Infragistic webgrid in 2.0. My question is :
    As google chrome is new web browser, i just wanted to test the my test web page with this browser .
    As data which i bind with Infragistic webgrid on test web page works fine in firefox,ie ,but…

  • Alignment Problem in UltraWebGrid when css class is used


    I have a Ultrawebgrid control in which some columns are aligned to "center" in design time.

    I have associated a css class to this control. In runtime if I see the columns, then all the columns are

    aligned to left. I'm not sure why this…

  • Cancel post back on client side not happening after confirm dialog

    I have an ultrawebgrid that has 2 template button columns. One for editing the data in the row and one to Delete the row. I am trying to get a confirmation on the click of the delete (this posts back to server deletes a rec from a dataset and rebinds…

  • Ultrawebgrid Header of Grouped Rows Problem in Firefox


    I am having two issues

    1) i ve a page which allows user to enable\disable paging. when user disable paging all records[around 500] are displayed.I am using             UltraWebGrid1.Browser = BrowserLevel.Xml;
    e.Layout.LoadOnDemand = LoadOnDemand.Xml;

    now when i…

  • How to control the progress indicator image when sorting the grid

    I am able to change the progress indicator when filtering or when user scrolls down to get the next batch of records (using loadondemand=xml), but it won't use my image when sorting, it uses the default indicator.  This is the javascript I used that…

  • Ghost image in ultrawebgrid


    I have a custom menu.For menu creation i am using frame inside div.On click of document i am making div's visibitity as well as iframe's visibility to none.I  am displaying that menu on click of menu image provided in the ultrawebgrid.while…

  • header total

    how to get complete column sum as headertotal just like footertotal

  • Hierarchical View When Binding to Object Collection


    I have an object collection I am binding to my UltraGrid.  The Grid has 2 bands.

    The first will display the parent objects from the binding collection.
    The second will be a Hierarchical drill down displaying a child collection related to…

  • GroupBy and Ultrawebgrid events


     I am using UltraWebGrid to display my data. I am building the grid in runtime and assigning all required event handlers as well. So far it has been working fine. Now when I started using GroupBy feature some of the grid events(especially, where…

  • Getting row of second band in Hierarchical Grid

    I have a hierachical grid to which I have added a column of check boxes in both bands.  I need to be able to get/change the value of a check box in the second band but have no way to get which row in which the check box resides.

    How do I get the row/cell…

  • Updating cells in WebGrid



    I have a datgrid which I bound at runtime and I am trying to put cells in edit mode when I click on a cell. This does not seem to be working. Any ideas?


    this.grdResults.DisplayLayout.AllowUpdateDefault = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowUpd…
  • Column Widths with grouping bands and fixed table-layout

    Dear all. I have grid with grouping bands, and use DisplayLayout.TableLayout = Fixed (it is necessary to draw ellipsis on text overflow).

    What I need : grid should take 100% width and it should be possible to resize each column (and set their width…
  • CSS Classes order in UltraWebGrid


    I'm using css classes for ultrawebgrid control. I have 5 css classes for headerstyle, framestyle, alternaterowsstyle etc.

    Is there any specific order to create css classes in the stylesheet file.

    Some times I'm not getting the applied styles…

  • iterate through ultraweb grid

    Hi All,

    I am using infragistics webGrid. I have template field which contains checkbox. On click of submit button i need to update the records which has been checked. But i am not able to find the control on button click event.Please help me out


  • Ultra web grid

    I used webgrid its working proply in local machine.

    but when i m uploading on server its not there.

    when i clieked on view source it contains all the values which are in web grid.

    I suppose I am getting problem with width of grid.

    plese let me know…

  • Datagrid's column width should be as same as last time value


    I have developed Web application with ultraweb grid.... I let user to extend grid column ....

    I would like to display the ultraweb grid column width as displayed at last time..

    Please bring some tips to achieve that...

    And.. Is there any function…

  • Unable to Edit/Add/Update/Delete Rows on UltraWebGrid


    I am very new to this Infragistics Environment. Can some some body suggest me how do i Edit/Add/Update?Delete Rows on UltraWebGrid?
    Till now i have not got any sort of books or Videos on google, i have just found some of the articles
    that give idea…