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  • Small Decimal Value in UltraWebGrid


    I have a UltraWebGrid where its values can be modified through the grid's Row Edit Template.

    I have few columns in UltraWebGrid where each them has the DataType "System.Decimal".  If the decimal values in these columns are too small…

  • How to merge cell and header of of UltraWebGrid?

    I am using UltraWebGrid in my application. Can anyone tell me how to merge cells of a row of UltraWebGrid?

    Is it possible to merge header(one heading for all row) also?

    Also I want to allow user to select only one cell at a time (not whole row). How to…

  • Ultraweb grid add row event firing twice on save button click


    I am using Infragistics 9.1 ultrawebgrid control. My scenario is as follows.

    I have one grid - say Parent grid, contains 3 columns i.e. ID, Name, Address and for each row we will have User Phone information, this will be multiple rows. I am populating…

  • ultrawebgrid 9.2 hangs in IE6 and IE8 on grouping

    was using ultrawebgrid 8.2 with no performance issues

    upgraded to 9.2.20092.2056 and on IE6 and IE8 grouping cause IE to utilize 100% of CPU and take 2+ minutes to perform group even with < 20 rows.

    Any suggestions or thoughts?

    No performance issues…

  • Row filtered records is not retained in the Ultra webgrid after toolbar button clicked


    we have one scenario where ultragrid not retained the data after page postback. here i have listed properties we set for ultraweb grid

    1. AllowRowFilter="Yes"
    2. LoadOnDemand="XML"
    3. AllowPaging="No"

    Scenario: #1

  • Move focus from ultrawebgrid to another control

    Hey Guys,

    My apologies in advance if this has been covered, but I really did search and not find an answer to this.

    Situation: Using ultrawebgrids in ASP.Net 2.0.

    User needs to select from a grid. The name of the person in the selected row populates…

  • Adding new rows thru javascript does not display the scrollbar in UltraWebGrid, but on clicking on the grid the scrollbars are vissible

    I am actually getting a XML from my WCF service invoked thru javascript, which returns an XML, and am processing that XML to add new rows in the grid. But the scrollbars are not visible, but as i click anywhere in the grid the scrollbars are visible. I…

  • Checkbox in the header how to keep values on sort and how to make it not moving

    I am trying to implement ultrawebgrid and I have problem. I have checkbox at the last column in the datagrid. First I would like all the columns in the grid to be able to move, sort and filter, but I want to prevent that checkbox column from moving, I…

  • Get Filtered rows


    how i can get only the filtered rows of a webgrid?