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  • Small Decimal Value in UltraWebGrid


    I have a UltraWebGrid where its values can be modified through the grid's Row Edit Template.

    I have few columns in UltraWebGrid where each them has the DataType "System.Decimal".  If the decimal values in these columns are too small…

  • UnHide the column in UltraWebGrid

    Is there any possiblity to set the template column visible from javascript in any event like button click?

  • UltraWebGrid v.3 showing "Edit Column"

    I am using the UltraWebGrid from 2004, vol 1 version in a .NET 1.1 framework web application.  I have several instances, some with hidden columns, some are read only and some for data entry.  I know it might help to update the application, but that is not…

  • Checkbox in the header how to keep values on sort and how to make it not moving

    I am trying to implement ultrawebgrid and I have problem. I have checkbox at the last column in the datagrid. First I would like all the columns in the grid to be able to move, sort and filter, but I want to prevent that checkbox column from moving, I…