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  • How to remove Pager Link Underline?

    Dear all,

              I am using web grid in site. I change the Pager link color. i need to change the underline of the link. Help me any one.......





  • Infragistic webgrid not working in properly in Google Chrome

    I  am using Infragistic webgrid in 2.0. My question is :
    As google chrome is new web browser, i just wanted to test the my test web page with this browser .
    As data which i bind with Infragistic webgrid on test web page works fine in firefox,ie ,but…

  • Column Widths with grouping bands and fixed table-layout

    Dear all. I have grid with grouping bands, and use DisplayLayout.TableLayout = Fixed (it is necessary to draw ellipsis on text overflow).

    What I need : grid should take 100% width and it should be possible to resize each column (and set their width…