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  • how to add row names to XamDataGrid while still otherwise autogeneratin columns

    I am binding a DataTable to a XamDataGrid and would like to have row names.

    Can I have a manually added first column that binds to an observableCollection or is there some other way of doing this short of inserting it into the table?


  • Add CrosshairLayer when creating series dynamically


    I have a XamDataChart with ScatterSplineSeries that I create dynamically as described here:

    Now I need to add a crosshair layer to…

  • Disable switching tabs on XamTabControl

    I am needing to disable switching tabs when a specific ViewModel type is opened inside a tab.

    I am sharing a dataconext between one ViewModel and the elements contained inside PrintSections on another viewmodel. This is causing the Print Tab to refresh…

  • XamSlider Command binding to ThumbValueChanged event

    I am using XamNumericRangeSlider in my application. I want to do command binding to ThumbValueChanged event using MVVM pattern.

    I tried using Microsoft interaction event triggers with Relay Command. I am not able to get it right.

    Any kind of help is highly…

  • XamGrid, TemplateColumn


    I have 2 Columns. When the User enters a number in the first cell of the first row I want the second cell of the first row to get that number and display the result of a formula that is dependent on that number.

    I am using XamGrid and need to stick…

  • XamDataGrid FieldChooser How to exclude always displayed fields from fieldChooser


    I have a xamdatagrid with dynamics fields.

    I adapted this sample to my expectations.

    My itemViewModel…

  • 2nd ComboBoxField Filter display the ValuePath instead of DisplayMemberPath

    I'm using infragistics 14.2 ,in a XamdataGrid charged by a MvvM, the 2nd comboboxfield filter diplay de ValuePath instead of DisplayMemberPath but the 1st comboboxfield filter it works well 


    2nd ComboBoxField

    1st Combo box

    Both ComboBoxFied use a ObservableCollection…

  • Put XamTreeGrid in XamTabControl


    I'd like to put a XamTreeGrid in XamTabContol. 

    I wrote this code, and the Name and subNode's rows are shown with branch lines.

    However, I cannot see the subNode's strings.

    How can I fix it? 


  • XamDataGrid ComboBoxField population


    I tried to follow Tacho's example.

     So far I managed to show a ComboBoxEditor in a field with correct data. But once a new items is selected the editor sets the item, but as soon as the editing is finished the item is set to null.

    What am I doing…

  • Query in grouping xamdatagrid.

    Hi... I am using xamdatagrid and i am doing default 3 columns as group by.It is coming correctly but it is displaying only column values.I am sending the example (attachment of image) so that i want header name in group header

  • XamComboEditor: Filter Search text


    I am using xamcomboeditor to show some items and I have made the search filter enabled for it.

    I have some other xamcomboeditor also in the same page. When I enter some text in one xamcomboeditor that text stays in the xamcomboeditor. I want to get that…

  • xamDataChart adding ColumnSeries dynamically with MVVM


    I am using xamdataChart ColumnSeries with MVVM. I would like to dynamically add column series to the chart via MVVM.
    I am having a multiselection combobox, each item in the combobox will add/remove a ColumnSeries to the chart when the user checks…

  • Retrieve Modified Records/Objects from XamDataGrid with MVVM Pattern

    I have a XamDataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel:

    public ObservableCollection<InventurPos> LoadedPositions { get; set; }


    <custom:XamDataGrid Name="InvPosDisplay" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" DataSource="{Binding LoadedPositions…

  • xamDataCards Cell Backgrounds based on Associated ViewModel Property


    I have a xamDataCards display that organizes data coming from a number of hardware devices through a variety of different backend channels. I would like to show values that are considered disconnected or otherwise "unreliable data" as having an orange…

  • Problem "New Horizontal/Vertical Tab Group" option


    I am facing a small problem with Regions when using Microsoft Prism in WPF. One of the read only views is opened by default but it allows to open new views in same region. As part of testing it was discovered that all new views always disappearing…

  • XamDataGrid column visibilty is not working using MVVM


    I'm trying to implement XamDataGrid column visibilty in a MVVM architecture and it does not seems to be working.

    I'm doing the following:

    Adding Visiblility property for an unbound field -




    igDP:UnboundField Name="gridCustomerId"…

  • XamDataGrid Binding Problem

    I have a XamDataGrid, which I'm trying to bind to a BindingList collection object.
    When I set AutoGenerateColumns to true, it shows all the rows and columns, but when I set it to false and define columns using Field or UnboundField, It just shows…

  • WPF MVVM xamgrid Selection Event


    We are implementing a MVVM architecture in our WPF application. We want to use the XamDataGrid but kind of lost about implementing the selection changed event on the view model layer.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    We need a solution urgently…

  • XamDataGrid 17.1 ComboBoxField ItemsSource to be bound to the Record and not ViewModel

    Hello there,

    I am using Infragistics 17.1.

    Inside a XamDataGrid I have a ComboBoxField, which I want to populate from a property of the Record object and not the ViewModel.
    So far I have tried with:

    <igWPF:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Path=TreeItems…

  • MVVM Made Simple With Prism: Webinar Recap

    On June 30th, Infragistics' own Brian Lagunas presented a joint webinar for Infragistics and Pluralsight titled “MVVM Made Simple With Prism”. Take a look!

    [youtube] width="560" height="315" src="…

  • XamDataGrid SelectedItems for MVVM

    This is a simple approach ( on how to add a bindable property to your XamDataGrid that can be used to control the SelectedItems from your view model.

    In the sample I have made a View Model that has an ObservableCollection…

  • Webinar follow-up: Getting started with MVVM

    Getting-Started-With-MVVMFirst of all I want to thank everyone who attended my webinar on Getting started with MVVM in WPF and Silverlight yesterday. I had an awesome time delivering this session and answering some of your questions.  As most of you asked me about sharing the…

  • Can I feed custom colors using (A)RGB syntax or binding them via MVVM?


    I tried doing something like:


      <!-- Create Custom Palette -->





  • Introduction to the Infragistics Undo / Redo Framework for XAML applications

    Application with heavy CRUD capabilities for the end user? Would the result be a chaos caused by users insisting for that one thing they just deleted? Turn that around (literally!) by providing some Undo action in your XAML application. That is exactly…

  • Live data - starring the jQuery Grid, WebSockets and KnockoutJS

    There are numerous scenarios when from for the sole purpose of having an effective or functional application it seems the only way to go is live – like live data, updating clients in real time. It just feels like that is how things are supposed to be…