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  • On Demand Data Loading in XamGrid and XamDataTree

     Loading data on demand is typical of applications that use hierarchical data. The article “On Demand Data Loading in XamTree” demonstrated an application using Infragistics XamTree. This article shows how they could benefit from hierarchical…

  • Hierarchic DataBinding to ChildCollections

    I try to figure out, what happens, when the XamDataTree binds to a hierarchic structure. In my case, the ItemsSource of the Tree is a CollectionView. The CollectionView holds class instances that themselfs have a client collection.

    How can I intercept…

  • XamDataTree: Getting correct node DataTemplates for subclasses

    I'm currently evaluating the XamDataTree to replace a custom WPF multi-selection Tree control. I fail to get the correct DataTemplate to be applied to my node items.

    The nodes (ItemsSource) to be displayed in the XamDataTree are of a superclass that further…

  • Re: XamDataTree + MVVM + IsSelected

    I know this is an old post but it this is a popular problem which is still unsolved. Therefore I decided to reply in order to put emphasize on it.

    I definitely agree! xamDataTree is lacking MVVM support. In FeatureBrowser there is ViewModel binding example…

  • Get all the selected nodes in the XAMDataTree


    I want to retrieve all the checked Nodes, but not able to find any propertyby by which I can do that.

    I am including the code, Here If I select any EventSummary then I need all the selected 'NodeLayout collections'. I am using MVVM pattern here…