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  • Using the xamGrid with Virtual Collections and MVVM

    Have you ever wanted to build an application that uses the Infragistics Silverlight xamGrid which supports sorting, filtering, CRUD operations and data virtualization all constructed with the Model View View-Model (MVVM) pattern? This post details some…

  • MVVM CRUD Application with Virtualization, Filtering and Sorting

    Ever wanted to write a Silverlight MVVM application, which supports CRUD operations and data virtualization on the client? The Infragistics Silverlight xamGrid is able to support filtering and sorting and it is very easy to create virtualized data source…

  • Updating filter on ICollectionView in ViewModel


    I have a ViewModel that contains an ObservableCollection of items, an ICollectionView for the ObservableCollection, and a xamdatagrid's datasource bound to the ICollectionView, IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem is true. Filtering is enabled on the…

  • xamgrid MVVM and filtering

    Is there a good example of xamgrid MVVM and filtering? ( Without using any code behind)