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  • Creating Windows Phone Applications with Infragistics XamList

    I explained why I think list controls are THE grids for mobile phones when introducing the jQuery Mobile version. I believe most would agree they really aim to achieve pretty much the same functionality but within the limited space of a small screen and…

  • BusyIndicator not displaying when view is displayed inside a XamDialogWindow

    We have the following view:

    <UserControl x:Class="DetailedSalesView" ...
      <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <toolkit:BusyIndicator x:Name="activityControl"
  • How to use XamDialog with MVVM

    I would like to use XamDialog in my project but it seems the dialog must be in the visualtree before you can call Show.  My project uses MVVM and the logic that determines when to show the modal is in my vm.  Is it possible to use XamDialog with mvvm

  • Introduction to the Model-View-ViewModel Pattern – Part 1


    The purpose of this article is to provide a clear and practical understanding of the MVVM pattern in a concise manner.  This will be accomplished by walking through a simple WPF MVVM application in two parts.  Part one will focus on MVVM basics…

  • Binding not works on ShapeFileConverter! Then how can it be used in MVVM?

    I have been trying out XamGeographicMap in MVVM pattern, and when I tried to bind the properties of ShapeFileConverter binding fails and nothing shows up in the UI, since  ShapeFileConverter is unparented, neither in visual nor in the logical tree. 


  • Re: Forcing the selection of certain dates on XamDateNavigator

    Hello Krasimir,

    thank you for your availability.
    Forgive me if I insist.
    While I understand the explanations given, I wonder if would be possible to offer the possibility of binding it, given those limitations: the binding should NOT be OneWay, otherwise…

  • Re: Jquery Controls doesn`t work with KnockOutJS

    When will someone answer this Question?

    Are there any samples of using Infragistics Controls with KnockoutJS?

    I am also stuck with the similar problem, Please help

  • Re: XamComboEditor SelectAll Option


    I saw your post. I think the approarch you gave is a in particular approach and I want a generalized solution to this problem.

    I want to use the same functionality at 10 places where I have used this ComboBox, so, according to your implementation…

  • Re: AllowFiltering in XamComboEditor WPF 10.2 (CLR 3.5)

    Where can we go to check the status of this ticket? We too are in need of the same resolution. Has anyone come up with a solution?

  • XamDataGrid


    We use MVVM pattern to implement our solution. I'm having difficulty binding commands in my ViewModel to XamDataGrid. The data is displayed fine. But when it comes to command binding the nothing happens. Please see the code below.

    In my…

  • Creating a KnockoutJS Custom Binding for MVVM Charting

    What is Knockout?

    Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you apply the MVVM pattern when designing HTML/JavaScript UIs. It aids in making your view model and UI controls observable so that changes can be propagated back and forth between them. Leveraging…

  • Using the xamGrid with Virtual Collections and MVVM

    Have you ever wanted to build an application that uses the Infragistics Silverlight xamGrid which supports sorting, filtering, CRUD operations and data virtualization all constructed with the Model View View-Model (MVVM) pattern? This post details some…

  • MVVM CRUD Application with Virtualization, Filtering and Sorting

    Ever wanted to write a Silverlight MVVM application, which supports CRUD operations and data virtualization on the client? The Infragistics Silverlight xamGrid is able to support filtering and sorting and it is very easy to create virtualized data source…

  • Using XamRibbon ButtonTool in MVVM applications

    The Problem

    Using XamRibbon’s ButtonTool control in a MVVM application may present some challenges when attempting to wire-up binding against the control. The problem arises since the ButtonTool control inherits from the RibbonTool class which is not…

  • Re: OutlookBarGroup binding


    I am attempting to do exactly the same, I have used the 'IsSynchronizedWith' extension (from another post) to load from an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel. However if I have mutliple items per group I end up with multiple groups header…

  • OutlookBarGroup not working with CollectionView?

    Dear Support,

    I'm trying to bind the OutlookBar-Groups-Collection to a Collection view. The Groups are shown, but selection of a group does not fire the "CurrentChanged"-Event of the CollectionView.

    Furthermore .MoveCurrentToLast does not…

  • XamChart creation at runtime through MVVM and Binding


    I want to achieve the following task through MVVM:

    I have a xamDatagrid with columns having values on which graph can be represented.

    I select few of these values from DataGrid and want to represent Graph at runtime.

    Now, I want these selected…

  • Re: WPF MVVM xamgrid Selection Event

    Guys, I have solved the above issue. I did it in a very simple way.

    Bind the ActiveCell property of the XamGrid to an object type property in the VM. 
    In the setter of the property, call a method and pass the object.  
    Inside the method, cast the object…

  • MVVM and XamDataGrid

    I'm new to Infragistics and I therefore have a question regarding MVVM and databinding in the XamDataGrid.

    What I need to know is, how I have to write the XAML for the DataGrid in order to bind properties to the columns of the grid?

    I have set the…

  • Updating filter on ICollectionView in ViewModel


    I have a ViewModel that contains an ObservableCollection of items, an ICollectionView for the ObservableCollection, and a xamdatagrid's datasource bound to the ICollectionView, IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem is true. Filtering is enabled on the…

  • XamDataGrid with Hierarchical data using MVVM



    I have created a view with a parent child relationship where each [member] has a number of [files].

    I am using a XamDataGrid to display the collection of members and another grid to display the files of the selected member.

    I am using the…

  • Re: Clear Filter and Sorting

    @Tusky -

    I am also facing the same issue with MVVM. Please share if you got some solution. 


  • XamDataGrid ButtonColumn CommandBinding


    We use MVVM pattern to implement our solution. I'm having difficulty binding commands in my ViewModel to XamDataGrid. The data is displayed fine. But when it comes to command binding the nothing happens. Please see the code below.

    In my…

  • Re: Binding to SelectedItems count property in Xamdatagrid

    First of all, thank you for helping us succeed with Infragisitcs tools.

    This post is close to what I need help with.   Instead of needing the count though, I need the selected record.  I wish I could bind the XamDataPresenter.SelectedItems.Records to a…