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  • Content control in template field

    I want to fill the column of xam data grid depend on the selection of another part. 

                    <igDP:XamDataGrid Grid.Row="1" DataSource="{Binding UIInputList }" GroupByAreaLocation="None" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.RowSpan="2">

  • Expand/Collapse button in Xamdatagrid header prefix area

    I added a button in Xamdatagrid headerprefix area.

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}">

    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}">…

  • Retrieve Modified Records/Objects from XamDataGrid with MVVM Pattern

    I have a XamDataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel:

    public ObservableCollection<InventurPos> LoadedPositions { get; set; }


    <custom:XamDataGrid Name="InvPosDisplay" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" DataSource="{Binding LoadedPositions…

  • Problem with ContextualHelp on XamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog controls.


    I am trying to integrate the formula editing feature with my XamDataGrid control in our WPF application. The control has its AutoGenerateFields property set to false and it binds data successfully. I have a XamFormulaEditor control on the Window to…

  • get accessor of the enumerable field within a field layout being called without expanding


    I have a XamDataGrid field layout with two IEnumerable fields within it. with in the get accessor of both the enumerable fields, I make a external call to populate the data for each and return back.

    The behavior for this setup used to be like this…

  • Prism/interaction InvokeCommandAction


    I'm using PRISM/MVVM and want to pass the currently selected item(s) in the data grid when a user selects a row, this is what I've got so far:

    <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectedItemsChanged" SourceName="SchemeGrid…

  • Binding a Collection/Dictionary to XAMDatagrid


    I have a class

    class Test{ string name; List<string> values}

    And I have a Dictionary <int, Test>. Now I have to bind this data to a xamdatagrid such that I have 2 columns, one with the name and other with the values. The number of rows created…

  • XamDataGrid MVVM ActiveDataItem mode=TwoWay not working when item is set from code


    I am using Ingragistics V15.2:

    I have a scenario where I set the ActiveDataItem of a XamDataGrid from my ViewModel, but the UI doesn't do anything.

    The rest of the DataGrid is working fine, when collection is changed it will update UI, but…

  • Index was outside the bounds of the array.

    Hi All,

    i have 2 xamdatagrid and i want transfer the data from one to another one 

    the sender xamdatagrid "xampaxCost" has about 5 record instead the receiver"xamPaxCost_Copy" has 0 record (empty),

    both are set up in this way in…

  • Populate ComboBox inside xamDataGrid

    i have a xamDatagrid set up as follows :

     <igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding}" x:Name="xamContact" >
     <igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> <
     <igDP:Field Name="DepartmentName" La…
  • Filter Items


    I'm using the XamDataGrid with DataSource containing a list of comma-separated strings. By default the filter row dropdown includes all items presented in grid. But in this case I would like to bind the filter dropdown to other property of viewmodel…

  • Binding Unknown Data Sets to xamDataGrid in WPF


    We are integrating with an existing service that returns 2 meaningful pieces of information (for this discussion):

    1) A '\t' separated string of column headers (can vary in number and values)

    2) An array of '\t' separated strings of…

  • Is this an Issue/Bug in XamDataGrid?

  • Update source property of XamDataGrid


    Have been searching for this for quite sometime now. I am using the XamDataGrid in a scenario where the columns are created dynamically. I have achieved this by wrapping the XamDataGrid inside a user control and then exposing a new Dependency property…

  • Empty Data Template with Asynchronous Databinding

    I have constructed a "no results" data template as outlined in However, whenever any grid implementing the style is asynchronously updated with additional data, the template is not de-applied…
  • Maintain labels of xamdatagrid when exported to excel

    I have created a sample application wherein the label is dynamically populated to 'Test-2'

    But when exported to excel it still inherits 'Bonus' as the label name.

    Can someone assist on how to maintain Test-2 in excel sheet as well

  • Bindable Dynamc Data Structure

    I have a data structure that is an TestDataCollection<TestData> which derives from List<TestData> and implements ITypedList. My TestData object derives from List<T> and has some additional helper properties. Each TestData objects represents a column of…

  • Adding field of multi data type


    I want to display and edit a field that can be several types

    data record is for example

    class x


         String Name{get;set}

         object number{get;set}



    I want the number field to be able to edit number accourding to it's type (can be double/float…

  • Xamdatagrid dynamic labels populating based on ViewModel change

    In Xamdatagrid i want the label to dynamically populate value based on value change in the ViewModel.

    I have tried to bind the Label to ViewModel property and is not working. 

    Attached is the sample which i tried.

    As well i tried other method wherein…

  • Capturing the event prior to the user edit being saved (RecordUpdating?)

    Hi all,

    The scenario that I am trying to work is as such:

    1. User enters some data into a cell in XamDataGrid.

    2. User hits enter or leaves the cell, therefore saving the data.

    3. I capture the attempt to save the data and perform some operation in…

  • finished databinding event on XamDataGrid

    I have a class that inherits from XamDataGrid to specialize it for our application. It is data bound by setting its DataSource to a ViewModel property which fires OnPropertyChanged on its setter. All standard MVVM pattern.

    Now I would like to do something…

  • Displaying more than 15 columns in the xamdatagrid.

    Hi ,

    Advance thanks.

    I am trying to show more than 15 columns in xamdatagrid. My client screen resolution is 1280x1024.

    I must use xamdatagrid since my all other screens are using xamdatagrid and this particular screen doesn't like to look different…

  • Change checked checkbox column read only in xamdatagrid when the records get populated from backend.

    Hi ,

    Advance thanks.

    I have got the issue in Infragistics XAMdatagrid. I am showing 2 checkbox columns(checkbox1, checkbox2)  in the xamdatagrid. When I populate the records into xamdatagrid, need to disable only the checked checkbox1 column. 


  • Incorrect data displayed when scrolling

    We have been experiencing rows in our grid showing the wrong data.  After extensive research, we have narrowed it down to the RecordContainerGenerationMode.  When set to Recycle, and the grid is scrolled via code behind by 1 record, it sometimes shows the…

  • ContextualHelp on Infragistics XamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog

    I am trying to integrate the formula editing feature with my XamDataGrid control in our WPF application. The control has its AutoGenerateFields property set to false and it binds data successfully. I have a XamFormulaEditor control on the Window to…