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  • How can I refresh all rows bound to the same object when that same object instance is bound in multiple places

    My grid is bound to a simple tree created by binding to a List<> of classes containing List<> of properties. My issue arises because a given instance of an object may appear in multiple child lists throughout the tree and even at the root level. This…

  • How do I exclude a class field/property/method from being data-bound to an UltraGrid when that class is passed to SetDataBinding()

    I have some classes that I wish to bind to an UltraGrid for display, but there are public properties that I would like to be excluded from the binding/columnar display, specifically some List<T> properties that I do not want to be bound/displayed. For…

  • Edit a cell in a column while another cell updates in the background


    I have a grid with 3 fields, name, status and duration time, the duration field is calculated in a function and is updated every second, but if I try to modify the name cell and at that moment the duration cell is updated I lose the focus and the…

  • XamComboEditor ItemsSource/SelectedValue Databinding

    Hey there

    We discovered a strange behavior of the XamComboEditor (Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamComboEditor), while it works fine on the other "version" of it (Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor).

    In our application, we have an…

  • xamDiagram using data binding, running into errors with TwoWay binding in diagram items

    I have a xamDiagram whose diagram items are populated from a view model using TwoWay data binding, as per the XamDiagram documentation.

    For the most part, this works as intended, in that I can modify the diagram item objects in the view model or their…

  • Binding numeric value into subtitle


    is there a simple way to bind a numeric value to the subtitle ?

    Following scenario:

    I have multiple series and each one of them with with different underlying data depending on the selected item in the combo editor.

    So for each series there has…

  • UltraGrid DataSource not binding to DataView/DataTable on Microsoft Surface tablet

    Apologies if I'm not clear about anything, I'm new to Infragistics

    What is the Issue?

    When reloading an UltraGrid with new data, Grid.Rows is not being populated correctly from Grid.DataSource and only the column headers are displayed until the…

  • How to dynamically create a stacked column series with MVVM Binding


    I am trying to create a dynamic stacked column series that binds to the data in view model.

    Here is the sample of data I have

    var ChartData = new ObservableCollection<CityData>();

    public class CityData


    string CityName;


  • Content control in template field

    I want to fill the column of xam data grid depend on the selection of another part. 

                    <igDP:XamDataGrid Grid.Row="1" DataSource="{Binding UIInputList }" GroupByAreaLocation="None" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.RowSpan="2">

  • WebDataGrid with BoundDataField


    I have DataTable with tow columns (id,fname) and a WebDataGrid, the code for filling the datatable and the datagrid is:

     Dim dd As New test
            Dim dt4 As DataTable = dd.DataTable1
            dt4.Rows.Add("1", "TestName")

  • Slice is not getting explode in igPieChart if that slice comes after the slice which has 0 value.

    I wrote the code that on clicking the slice, it explodes. I am facing issue with explode in one case. The slice is not getting explode. I will try to explain the scenario with example,

    I am passing the datasource which has the 3 values in it.

    1. SliceName…

  • Allow multiple selection at runtime in igGrid


    We have a grid configured on server side using Asp.Net MVC Helpers, and uses filtering and paging. Datasource is set to the initial data and datasourceUrl is set to get the paging data.

    Initial mode is single selection enabled in row mode. Row selectors…

  • Hierarchical Grid Help

    I'm having some trouble with the Hierarchical Grid. I get a NullReferenceException in the view at run time. I followed this example and below is my code...



  • Expand/Collapse button in Xamdatagrid header prefix area

    I added a button in Xamdatagrid headerprefix area.

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}">

    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}">…

  • core not showing Ignite grid


    I've been successful loading a datatable in a core project, But the page doesn't show the grid in the Resource view as in the attachment below. You can right click the page and view the source code containing the loaded data, it just doesn…

  • UltraTree bound to a typed DataSet but only 2 of the 3 tables (nodes) appear

    Outlook-style TreeView bound to a typed dataset with 3 hierarchical tables, and expecting 3 hierarchical nodes.  The first two are naturally hierarchical in the database, the dataset, and the TreeView with foreign key/relation constraint.  The second two…

  • igGrid remote Paging/Filtering Anti Forgery Token

    I have an igGrid where i use remote paging/filtering.  On databind, I'm adding onto  "extraParams", however on my ASP.Net MVC Controller action I need to have the "__RequestVerificationToken" in the form data so the "ValidateAntiForgeryToken" attribute…

  • Retrieve Modified Records/Objects from XamDataGrid with MVVM Pattern

    I have a XamDataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel:

    public ObservableCollection<InventurPos> LoadedPositions { get; set; }


    <custom:XamDataGrid Name="InvPosDisplay" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" DataSource="{Binding LoadedPositions…

  • Re: WebChart X Axis Column from Stored Procedure

    Chart code, I forgot to place in the previous post.

    private void ChartData(string startDate, int shift, int productionLine, int operationTaskId, UltraChart ucChart)
                SqlConnection cdConnection = new SqlConnection(FactoryServerMesdbConnection.ConnectToDatabase);…
  • Numeric Entry and BindingSource.Add Method - Show Thousands format on form

    I am trying to create a numeric data entry that binds to a data source. in VB6, I used the PVNumeric control

    In .NET and WinForms, I found the answer by modifying the the Numeric Editor MaskEdit property as this option is not offered.

    - Change the MaskEdit…

  • How do I add a row and child rows to igTreeGrid?

    Hello, I am trying to dynamically add a set of rows with first row as parent, and other rows as child of that parent.

    I am doing the following:

  • 10 Tips for Using AngularJS

    There are a lot of powerful frameworks out there, but if you don’t know best practice, they can be pretty confusing. In this post we’ll be looking at Angular JS. First of all, what actually is Angular JS?

    Angular JS is a JavaScript-based open…

  • UltraGanttView Refresh/Reload Data


    I am using the ultraganttivew control and have the following code:

            private Project _gantProject = null;
            private DataSet _dataSet = new DataSet();
            private DataTable _projectTable = null;
            private DataTable _taskTable = null;


  • WinSchedule UltraDayView - New & Old version running concurrently, De-Serialization of Appointments not Working

    Hi All,

    Wondering if you can shed any light onto the following issue I am having with WinDayView (or CalendarInfo)

    I have an WinForms application running .NET 2.0 framework using Infragistics Win 8.3

    I am trying to update this application .NET 4.0 framework…

  • igDatePicker Knockout Binding Issue/Bug

    I'm working with IgniteUI for the first time and working on putting controls on my page, and using knockout for databinding.

    I followed the example from the following page: ( Please put some text…