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  • Empty Data Template with Asynchronous Databinding

    I have constructed a "no results" data template as outlined in However, whenever any grid implementing the style is asynchronously updated with additional data, the template is not de-applied…
  • Displaying more than 15 columns in the xamdatagrid.

    Hi ,

    Advance thanks.

    I am trying to show more than 15 columns in xamdatagrid. My client screen resolution is 1280x1024.

    I must use xamdatagrid since my all other screens are using xamdatagrid and this particular screen doesn't like to look different…

  • Change checked checkbox column read only in xamdatagrid when the records get populated from backend.

    Hi ,

    Advance thanks.

    I have got the issue in Infragistics XAMdatagrid. I am showing 2 checkbox columns(checkbox1, checkbox2)  in the xamdatagrid. When I populate the records into xamdatagrid, need to disable only the checked checkbox1 column. 


  • Access manual binding values in a Templated XamDataGrid

     I have an application with custom CellValuePresenter on columns that are added dinamically. If I don't set the custom CellValuePresenterStyle I can see the values of the binding in the cells, but I don't know how to access them from the template for either…