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  • XamDataGrid CollectionViewSource(Currentchanged is not executing when i move between record in the XamDataGrid)


    Code Snippet:

    BindingList<SalesPerson> persons=new  BindingList<SalesPerson>();

    .... code that populates the persons.

    CollcetionViewSource cvs=new CollectionViewSource();


    cvs.View.CurrentChanged += new EventHa…

  • XamCheckEditor in XamDataGrid, would like UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged

    Hi! We have a use-case in which the user selects rows from a grid via a column of checkboxes, clicks on a ribbon button, and executes an operation on checked rows.


    Now the default behaviour of the XamCheckEditor (in conjunction with XamDataGrid) is…

  • Using Template for DataGrid Cell

    Can anybody help me?? I'm kind of new at this...

     I have created a template to allow entry into a textbox for a column in my DataGrid (I've included the XAML below.)  Everything works fine when I change the Note column in an existing Row.  The pr…