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  • Problem with ContextualHelp on XamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog controls.


    I am trying to integrate the formula editing feature with my XamDataGrid control in our WPF application. The control has its AutoGenerateFields property set to false and it binds data successfully. I have a XamFormulaEditor control on the Window to…

  • Index was outside the bounds of the array.

    Hi All,

    i have 2 xamdatagrid and i want transfer the data from one to another one 

    the sender xamdatagrid "xampaxCost" has about 5 record instead the receiver"xamPaxCost_Copy" has 0 record (empty),

    both are set up in this way in…

  • Populate ComboBox inside xamDataGrid

    i have a xamDatagrid set up as follows :

     <igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding}" x:Name="xamContact" >
     <igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> <
     <igDP:Field Name="DepartmentName" La…
  • Displaying more than 15 columns in the xamdatagrid.

    Hi ,

    Advance thanks.

    I am trying to show more than 15 columns in xamdatagrid. My client screen resolution is 1280x1024.

    I must use xamdatagrid since my all other screens are using xamdatagrid and this particular screen doesn't like to look different…

  • Change checked checkbox column read only in xamdatagrid when the records get populated from backend.

    Hi ,

    Advance thanks.

    I have got the issue in Infragistics XAMdatagrid. I am showing 2 checkbox columns(checkbox1, checkbox2)  in the xamdatagrid. When I populate the records into xamdatagrid, need to disable only the checked checkbox1 column. 


  • ContextualHelp on Infragistics XamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog

    I am trying to integrate the formula editing feature with my XamDataGrid control in our WPF application. The control has its AutoGenerateFields property set to false and it binds data successfully. I have a XamFormulaEditor control on the Window to…

  • XamDataGrid and XamComboEditor OpenDropDownOnTyping question ....


    My XamDataGrid had a field like this:

    <ig:UnboundField Label="City" Name="CityName" BindingPath="CityId" BindingMode="TwoWay" Width="150">