Interface IDragMoveEventArgs


Hierarchy (view full)


cancel: boolean

Set if the the dragging should be canceled.

nextPageX: number

The new pageX position of the pointer that the igxDrag will use. It can be overridden to limit dragged element X movement.

nextPageY: number

The new pageX position of the pointer that the igxDrag will use. It can be overridden to limit dragged element Y movement.

originalEvent: PointerEvent | MouseEvent | TouchEvent

Reference to the original event that caused the interaction with the element. Can be PointerEvent, TouchEvent or MouseEvent.

The owner igxDrag directive that triggered this event.

pageX: number

The current position of the pointer on X axis when the event was triggered. Note: The browser might trigger the event with some delay and pointer would be already inside the igxDrop.

pageY: number

The current position of the pointer on Y axis when the event was triggered. Note: The browser might trigger the event with some delay and pointer would be already inside the igxDrop.

startX: number

The initial position of the pointer on X axis when the dragged element began moving

startY: number

The initial position of the pointer on Y axis when the dragged element began moving