Class IgxDividerDirective



id: string = ...

Sets/gets the id of the divider. If not set, id will have value "igx-divider-0";

<igx-divider id="my-divider"></igx-divider>
let dividerId =;
middle: boolean = false

If set to true and an inset value has been provided, the divider will start shrinking from both ends.

<igx-divider [middle]="true"></igx-divider>
role: string = 'separator'

Sets the value of role attribute. If not the default value of separator will be used.

type: string = IgxDividerType.SOLID

Sets the type of the divider. The default value is default. The divider can also be dashed;

<igx-divider type="dashed"></igx-divider>
vertical: boolean = false

Sets the divider in vertical orientation.

<igx-divider [vertical]="true"></igx-divider>
