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  • DataPoint limit when using XamChart ?


    I'm working on a chart containing between 24 and 300 datapoints.  If my collection of points is greater than 200, I've got a XAML error:

    I'm working on a .NET 3.5 application and I don't have CLR4 with XamDataChart.  I use currently…

  • Bug with ScatterLine and a single point?

    The XamChart docs state that for a ScatterLine chart:

    It is recommended that the numeric columns contain 2 or more rows so that a line can be drawn between two data points

    From: ms-help://NetAdvantage_WPF92/NAWPF_WPF92/WPF/xamChart_Scatter_Line_Chart…

  • XamChart failed to display chart that contains datapoints with equal large ValueY


    My XamChart instead of chart displays warning message.

    "XamChart Warning: Axis interval cannot be negative value or zero.

    Parameter name: interval"

    I think that the problem is that this chart contains datapoints with equal large ValueY…