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  • Question About Multiple Series

    I'm working on a prototype application where I need to graph fluouresence data from a medical instrument.  I have 2 (at least to start) series of data. The first set is a set a raw values that has 50 data points.  The second set represents the second…

  • DataPoint limit when using XamChart ?


    I'm working on a chart containing between 24 and 300 datapoints.  If my collection of points is greater than 200, I've got a XAML error:

    I'm working on a .NET 3.5 application and I don't have CLR4 with XamDataChart.  I use currently…

  • Scatter chart spline alike (with interpolation) || Spline chart with logarithmic X axis.

    Hello Everyone,
    I’m using Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v9.2 XamChart.

    I’m need to have a logarithmic scale both on X and Y axis.  At the same time I want the curve to look spline alike (with smooth lines, like after interpolation or cardinal…

  • Bug with ScatterLine and a single point?

    The XamChart docs state that for a ScatterLine chart:

    It is recommended that the numeric columns contain 2 or more rows so that a line can be drawn between two data points

    From: ms-help://NetAdvantage_WPF92/NAWPF_WPF92/WPF/xamChart_Scatter_Line_Chart…

  • XamChart issue with StackedColumn Series

    Hello there,

    When I try to set the AutoRange to false on a chart having a StackedColumn Series and set the Chart Primary X-Axis Minimum to Other than 0 I get a run time exception saying the "Width and Height should be non-negative". Can you please let…

  • hitTest returns null selected object for dynamic data


     On a bare bones page with just a simple XamChart, I'm running into the following problem:

    If I create the chart in markup, the mousedown-hittest sequence returns HitTestArgs with the clicked DataPoint.

    However, when I create a series of DataPoints…

  • XamChart failed to display chart that contains datapoints with equal large ValueY


    My XamChart instead of chart displays warning message.

    "XamChart Warning: Axis interval cannot be negative value or zero.

    Parameter name: interval"

    I think that the problem is that this chart contains datapoints with equal large ValueY…

  • XamChart Live Data & Scrolling Capability?

    I am evaluating your control. I would like to use your control to plot live data from a DAQ card added asychronously to an observable collection or xml file. The datapoints are collected at a rate of 10 per second, time plotted on x axis, measured parameter…

  • Removing space in between chart data


       Is there a way or a possible work around to remove the spaces in between the chart data? For example, a bar graph that shows different chart data with each bar lying on top of the previous or the next bar without any spaces between them. How will I do…