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  • Fixed labels in XamChart

    Is it possible to make fixed labels for a certain Axis in XamChart? E.g. the values for x-axis is "One" "Two" "Three" "Four", then I only need to bind the data for Y-axis.

  • How set manual Min and Max values of x-axis in case of DateTime axis type

    The question may be as: How is DateTime converted to Double in case of DateTime axis type.

    Minimum and Maximum properties are Double type. And i don't know how to convert Double to DateTime for the chart.

    Thank You.

  • Chart labels do not rotate in case of fixed font size


    There are many labels at the axis, so they have to be posted vertically. so they  become tall (i have Date labels)

    In normal situation when resizing chart, if labels do not fit the given area(they go out of the borders), labels are rotated to…

  • Marker Text Rotation

    Is it possible to rotate the text of the marker on a Column Chart? Something similar to what can be done with the x & y axis labels would be preferable.