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  • Axis Label Angle

    My x-axis labels are a range of DateTime values.  I would like to show these at an angle instead of straight up and down like the chart renders them by default.  I added new PrimaryX axis to the xamChart.Axes collection, with the Angle property on the Axis…

  • Fixed labels in XamChart

    Is it possible to make fixed labels for a certain Axis in XamChart? E.g. the values for x-axis is "One" "Two" "Three" "Four", then I only need to bind the data for Y-axis.

  • Exception thrown when formatting XamChart Axis label

    Hi, all

    I'm trying to format X Axis of XamChart

    I want that it will display as long time







    igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" AutoRange="True">






    <igCA:Label Format=…

  • How set manual Min and Max values of x-axis in case of DateTime axis type

    The question may be as: How is DateTime converted to Double in case of DateTime axis type.

    Minimum and Maximum properties are Double type. And i don't know how to convert Double to DateTime for the chart.

    Thank You.

  • Chart labels do not rotate in case of fixed font size


    There are many labels at the axis, so they have to be posted vertically. so they  become tall (i have Date labels)

    In normal situation when resizing chart, if labels do not fit the given area(they go out of the borders), labels are rotated to…

  • Marker Text Rotation

    Is it possible to rotate the text of the marker on a Column Chart? Something similar to what can be done with the x & y axis labels would be preferable.

  • How to change the content of an axis label

    Can I change not only format of an axis label, but also the content according to some converting rule for Values?

    E.g. I would like to display positive value labels for all negative ones.


  • Arranging Y-values in a non-increasing order


    I would like to arrange the Y-values of a series (-1, -0.5, 0, +0.5, 1) in the follwing order (from bottom to top): (0; 0.5; 1/-1; -0.5; 0)

    What approach could you advice me?



  • change axis grid line values staticly

    I have a xamchart columm based with a standard set of data 4 columns set to various values.  Nothing crazy... but what I want to do is change the Y Axis instead of showing values, I want to change the labels to show something more meaningful.  for example…

  • Axis Label

    Hi, Guys:

    Normally the axis's label value is from smaller to bigger one. How can I set the label value from bigger one to smaller one?

    For example, I have a primiary axis Y, whose value is from 1 to 100 (smaller ==> bigger), I need a secondary axis…

  • x axis label management bug

    Hello Infragistics, 

    FYI, when using a line chart type (and related types like area and bar charts), the chart does not automatically decimate the x axis labels/major tick marks for longer data series which results in overlapping labels.   A scatterline chart…