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  • Workbook.Load and scalability

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to Infragistics.Excel, so maybe I'm missing something.

    I am wanting to load in the first 25 rows of an Excel spreadsheet in order to gain a hueristic understanding of the rest of the data, and display something meaningful…

  • Set font for entire workbook

    Hey All,

    I'm attempting to set the font for the entire workbook to a monospace font (like Courier for instance) and I'm not quite sure how. I'm using the Infragistics3.Excel.v8.3.dll from the NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0 set of libraries…

  • How can I load an workbook as readonly?

    If the workbook is in use by excel, I've got an IO.Exception. However I just need to read it. Is there a way to load it for readonly?

  • Unable to apply Excel formula to Infragistics

    I have a project, which needs to convert many excel spreadsheets to XML files. We are planning to import spreadsheets to Infragistics workbook. Our spereadsheets have many formulas each spreadsheet. Infragistics workbook can not evaluate formula to get…

  • Workbook.Save(string) progress events

    I am currently in a situation where I am saving a large Excel file (about 25,000 rows and 20 columns).  This takes about 10 seconds (which is OK).
    My problem is that I would like to show the progress of this Save operation (running on a BackgroundWorker…
  • Performance on loading large excel spreadsheet


    I am using the Workbook.Load function to load up a large spreadsheet containing 100000 rows. This operation is taking a very long time and it appears that the entire contents of the sheet is being read into memory. Is there a more efficient…

  • unable to use ' Workbook.Load()'.

    Hi ,

    I am using Infragistics2.Excel.v7.1. But still i am unable to use ' Workbook.Load()'.

    Please help me .I have to open a workbook by using infragisticExcel.