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  • Crash on loading excel excel workbook using Infragistics.Excel.Workbook.Load

    Hi Infragistics

    I am facing a crash while loading an Excel file using following code:




    The crash appears only for xlsx file; not for xls.

    I am receiving the excel file from my client. And strangely the crash does not happen with same aforesaid…

  • Error Importing file with User Defined functions.

    I just upgraded to NetAdvantage 11.2. In my application, I am trying to import a workbook with user defined functions. When I call the function WorkBook.Load(fileName), It crashes with an ArgumentNullException. The formula string cannot be null. Parameter…

  • Workbook.Load takes around 5 min for reading a 2007 Excel file with 500 rows


    1 of our user file  had bunch of pivot tables (in multiple worksheets) in this workbook and some standard dataset in worksheets and formula referring to other worksheets. I tried to import this excel file using

    Workbook wbExceldata = Workbook.Load…

  • Workbook.Load and scalability

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to Infragistics.Excel, so maybe I'm missing something.

    I am wanting to load in the first 25 rows of an Excel spreadsheet in order to gain a hueristic understanding of the rest of the data, and display something meaningful…

  • object reference exception on loading a workbook with a Picture in of the sheet


     When we have picture in some worksheet and am trying to load the workbook using Workbook.Load(fileName) and it fails with obj reference exception and i figure out that it doesn't like pictures in a worksheet. am assuming this is a bug.. I really appreciate…

  • Set font for entire workbook

    Hey All,

    I'm attempting to set the font for the entire workbook to a monospace font (like Courier for instance) and I'm not quite sure how. I'm using the Infragistics3.Excel.v8.3.dll from the NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0 set of libraries…

  • Infragistics.Excel (Cell Formtting )



    i am using Infragistics.Excel  Namespce

    1> Can ane one help me in setting cutom formating in Cell value

    e.r :    Value 400000 should look like 4,00,000

    2> Setting backgroud color for a cell




  • How can I load an workbook as readonly?

    If the workbook is in use by excel, I've got an IO.Exception. However I just need to read it. Is there a way to load it for readonly?

  • Unable to apply Excel formula to Infragistics

    I have a project, which needs to convert many excel spreadsheets to XML files. We are planning to import spreadsheets to Infragistics workbook. Our spereadsheets have many formulas each spreadsheet. Infragistics workbook can not evaluate formula to get…

  • Workbook.Save(string) progress events

    I am currently in a situation where I am saving a large Excel file (about 25,000 rows and 20 columns).  This takes about 10 seconds (which is OK).
    My problem is that I would like to show the progress of this Save operation (running on a BackgroundWorker…
  • Performance on loading large excel spreadsheet


    I am using the Workbook.Load function to load up a large spreadsheet containing 100000 rows. This operation is taking a very long time and it appears that the entire contents of the sheet is being read into memory. Is there a more efficient…

  • Excel File Load Error

    I got the following error while i was trying to load Excel file stream. I am using Infragistics35.WebUI.Excel.v9.2. Version=9.2.20092.2056.

     I can open the file from MS Excel.

    Index was out of range. It must be non-negative and less than the size of…

  • unable to use ' Workbook.Load()'.

    Hi ,

    I am using Infragistics2.Excel.v7.1. But still i am unable to use ' Workbook.Load()'.

    Please help me .I have to open a workbook by using infragisticExcel.

  • Workbook.Save() failed or sometimes takes more than day.

    Recently we have encountered this issue about exporting reports to excel file.

    Our report table contains more or less 1.26 million records as of now. We are trying to create an excel(2007) file for this, so approximately this would be a 2 worksheet file…

  • Loading an Excel Template

    I am getting a "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when trying to load this specific Excel file (XmRChartPIR.xlsm).  this excel template has a number of macros, buttons and charts.


  • Excel.Workbook.Load exception

    I'm working with Infragistics3.Documents.Excel.v11.1
    I'm uploading excel files (excel 2007)
      Dim book As Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Workbook = Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Workbook.Load(filename) 
    When loading some files, shows the following error…

  • Image in a cell

    I'm working with Infragistics3.Documents.Excel.v11.1 (version 11.1.20111.2009)

    How can I insert the image of one file in a cell?

    Thank you in advance for your response.

  • Excel Import failing using Infragistics35.WebUI.Excel.v10.3

    NetAdvantage 2010.3

    I have a form that currently uses the ACE (Access Control Engine) driver to select and cast data from and MS Excel file into a dataset; however I am having an issue with the data types being set incorrectly by the ACE driver, so it…

  • Applying styles to the cells

    I'm working with Infragistics3.Documents.Excel.v11.1
    I am applying styles to the cells:

        Dim mergedRegion1 As Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetMergedCellsRegion = _
          book.Worksheets(0).MergedCellsRegions.Add(0, 3, 0, 10)

        ' Set the value of the merged…

  • MS Excle Load Error

     I got the following error while i was trying to load Excel file stream. I am using Infragistics35.WebUI.Excel.v9.2. Version=9.2.20092.2056.

     I can open the file from MS Excel.

    Index was out of range. It must be non-negative and less than the size of the…

  • Workbook' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Infragistics.Excel'

    I want try this sub from 


    protected void ExportToExcel(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Infragistics.Excel.Workbook workbook = new Infragistics.Excel.Workbook();

  • Performance on loading large excel spreadsheet


    I am using the Workbook.Load function to load up a large spreadsheet containing 100000 rows. This operation is taking a very long time and it appears that the entire contents of the sheet is being read into memory. Is there a more efficient means…

  • Worksheet Protection

    Running the following code will not protect my worksheet. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

    Dim ms As New MemoryStream()
    Dim wb as new Workbook()

    wb.Worksheets.Add("TEST WORKSHEET")

  • Workbook.Load Throw invalidcastexception

    I try to upload an excel file from silverlight client to server via webclient. There is my server code:

     public class FileUploadHandler : IHttpHandler

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

               string fname = context.Request.QueryString["filename…