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  • WPF XAMDatachart Custom Tick Mark Values for XAxis/YAxis Columns with different color for different columns

    Hi Team,
    I need help with the below scenario, I can create one sample if you want me to.

    I have one ObservableCollection in my view model like below

    { Layername = "LSS", Value = 7542, Depth = 200, Porosity = 0.3, Sw = 0.5, Temperature = 150}


  • In XamDataGrid Accessing the Filter operands list (eg. Equals, Not Equals etc.) as well as the filter options are not accessible by keyboard because they don't get focused.

    In the attached datagrid, the columns can be filtered by Operators(greater than, equal to) using mouse clicks. However, keyboard accessibility is currently restricted, As the filter by operands tabs are non-focusable. Consequently, users relying on screen…

  • XamDataGrid ComboBoxField input to uppercase


    I have a XamDataGrid with a ComboBoxField that is editable. I would like to force all characters to be upper case when the user is typing.

    I managed it for TextField using a style with 'CharacterCasing'.

    Here is my XamDataGrid XAML:


  • Merge Silverlight XamComboEditor with Wpf.XamComboEditor

    The idea is to merge the functionality like filtering user input from the silverlight XamComboEditor with the one from the Wpf-NameSpace.

    So that there is one control which works out of the box as a standalone usercontrol as well as inside the XamDataGrid…

  • XamDataGrid does not serialize series property with XamlWriter

    I am attempting to copy arbitrary UI elements by serializing and deserializing them to XAML. However, the XamDataChart causes issues because the Series property is skipped.

    For example, with the following XAML,

    <ig:XamDoughnutChart x:Name="doughnutChart…

  • WPF/XAML equivalent to UltraWinExplorerBar?

    I'm quite new to the Infragistics suite.  I'm trying to replace an old WinForms application with a WPF version.  The old application used the UltraWinExplorerBar, but I can't find it in the WPF version.  Is there something roughly equivalent? 

  • MessageBox Displayed when one Checkbox is checked within ListView

    I have a ListView with several checkboxes contained that are loaded from a database. For just one of these checkboxes, I'd like to have a messagebox display when it is checked. I will then capture the answer to that question as data.

    I would think…

  • MessageBox Displayed when one Checkbox is checked within ListView

    I have a ListView with several checkboxes contained that are loaded from a database. For just one of these checkboxes, I'd like to have a messagebox display when it is checked. I will then capture the answer to that question as data.

    I would think…

  • XamSpreadsheet , Run Macro VBA


    Can anyone help me , how i can run run a macro via XamSpreadsheet

  • Change center text size when using XamBusyIndicator's ProgressRing

    <Canvas Grid.Column="10">
        <ig:XamBusyIndicator Canvas.Left="0"

  • Is it possible to create only probe rows in a combo format in a general datagrid?

        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="U_XamDataGrid"
                          BorderBrush="{DynamicResource BorderColorBrush}"
                          DataSource="{Binding GetData.MSInform}"

  • Is it possible to change background color in XamPropertyGrid?

    Is it possible to change background color in XamPropertyGrid?
    We confirmed that if you simply set Background = white, the background color of XamPropertyGrid itself does not change.

    My theme is 2013 Office.
    I want to change the background. If there is…

  • XamDataGrid Broken Child Band's Indentation On All Unselected Tabs


    I am using XamDataGrid inside XamDockManager's DockManagerPanel, I've setup it in a way that there are two Tabs available for User.

    Both grids which are shown on the image are identical from the code and style perspective.

    Issue is that for…

  • Comparison control for comparing XML or plain text


    We come across in requirement to compare the long text values with multi lines or compare XML data and highlight differences. Currently there external tools like WinDiff.exe which would require for each client to have installed to use.

  • Text/XML comparison


    Does the Infragistics UI WPF controls have functionality that allows you to compare and find the differences between

    multiline texts like it shown below on the screenshot from WinDiff?


  • Tree List for Cross Platform Development and C#

    This is an important business requirement.

    I don't know how many times that your company keeps replying on posts that have no inherited solution when company brands using logos are tested using your Infragistics controls just doesn't meet sufficient qualifications…

  • Scatter Plot (DataCHart) with two Y-axis

    Hi Folks,

    I need to build a scatter plot with two Y axis and assign series to each. D you have an example how to do it programatically? I.e. create axis, add to chart and assign series?



  • Tab Localization and Branding from ASP.NET and Windows Forms

    The client is requesting a localization solution to using Tabs in the Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF controls.

    Previously they have released the layouts Tab using your controls from ASP.NET and Windows Forms.

    Depending on local data would have a different…

  • AutoFitColumnWidth not working when using display scaling


    We're using Ultimate UI 18.1 in our C# WPF application. We have a XamSpreadsheet, and we use following code to autofit the contents:

    new SpreadsheetCommand(SpreadsheetCommandType.AutoFitColumnWidth).Execute(_grid);

    This works perfectly, as does…

  • How to edit Duration unit label


    I use XamGantt in WPF.

    i have to use ElapsedSeconds for ProjectDurationFormat but i don't want to see the unit label in GridView.

    for example

    1000 esecs  => 1000

    how can i do?

  • Infragistics Ultimate: H2 2021 Roadmap

    With the release of Ultimate 21.1 right around the corner, I wanted to post an update on our goals for the remainder of the year so you can plan the next 12 months of your own projects.

    Here is a breakdown of this blog:

    • 2021 at a Glance
      • Web Platform…
  • Support for Avalonia

    Its been two years since you were last asked for this, and you said when it gets traction.

    Well, its getting traction, v11 is coming out, there is ever increasing list of public projects,, plus countless WPF inhouse migrations…

  • XamDataGrid with children objects, but just one header


    is it possible (and if yes, how?) to create an xamdatagrid that looks like this? Or should i use something else instead of xamdatagrid?

    I also would like the parent records to be collapsible. And AutoGenerateFields should be false.

    Parent class has…

  • Problems using ControlTemplate for ToggleButtonTool

    I'm trying to customise the ToggleButtonTool styles, following the information in, but when try to copy the ControlTemplate from the latest RibbonGeneric…