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  • WPF XAMDatachart Custom Tick Mark Values for XAxis/YAxis Columns with different color for different columns

    Hi Team,
    I need help with the below scenario, I can create one sample if you want me to.

    I have one ObservableCollection in my view model like below

    { Layername = "LSS", Value = 7542, Depth = 200, Porosity = 0.3, Sw = 0.5, Temperature = 150}


  • XamDataGrid does not serialize series property with XamlWriter

    I am attempting to copy arbitrary UI elements by serializing and deserializing them to XAML. However, the XamDataChart causes issues because the Series property is skipped.

    For example, with the following XAML,

    <ig:XamDoughnutChart x:Name="doughnutChart…

  • Scatter Plot (DataCHart) with two Y-axis

    Hi Folks,

    I need to build a scatter plot with two Y axis and assign series to each. D you have an example how to do it programatically? I.e. create axis, add to chart and assign series?



  • StartAngleOffset of CategoryAngleAxis

    I'm  a developer of AspenTech. I have some questions.

    I want put the first line at 30°. And all lines will be rotated by 30°.

    It’s like this:


    CategoryAngleAxis caa = RadialChart.Axes[0] as CategoryAngleAxis;


  • Select parts of an xamDataChart to apply some style like excel do using a ribbon

    I'm trying to get the xamDataChart more interactive for the user allowing to select some part of the chart and applying font properties to it.

    - Chart Title

    - axis labels

    - axis titles

    - Legend labels

    - Annotations

    - point labels

    - etc.

    is It posible…

  • AreaSeries on Numeric Axis

    Whether the series is vertical or a horizontal I'd like the series to shade an area to the left, right up, down as needed. This is to separate regions that the series is creating. To be used with numeric axis. 

  • XamDataChart with multiple ColumnSeries - show label under each column on CategoryXAxis

    When using a XamDataChart with multiple column series and a CategoryXAxis, only one label can be displayed for each group of columns. I need one label for each column in the group, since the color of my colun are customized so it is hard for the user to…

  • Deleting the selected item of a comboboxfield

    Good Morning

    So I have the following XamDataGrid

    As you can see, when I selected title 1 in the first row, it was removed from the list in the second row. However, if I change the selection in the first row to title 3 for example, title 1 won't reappear…

  • Xamdatachart loading very slow for data greater than 20000


    I am  creating a chart dynamically with sometime more than 20000 nodes. I am facing very slow performance while rendring chart with displaytype.discrete for xaxis. but if i change displaytype =displaytype.continous then the performance gets increase…

  • Support interaction layers in scatter series of XamDataChart

    Consider adding support for ItemHighlightLayer, ItemTooltipLayer, and CrosshairLayer for all types of scatter series in XamDataChart. This should include option for interpolating between data points in the same way it is already supported by Category…

  • XamDataChart Multiple Line Series Display Y axis values with Gap

    There are two data sets here and we do not want the connecting line between two data sets.

    If anyone has any solutions please post

    Thanks in Advance

  • Get the handle of marker inside scatter series


    I am trying to balance the grid and scatter chart in infragistics wpf.

    The problem is when i try to select any row in the table, it suppose to change the color of marker inside xamdatachart

    For this i need the handle of marker , Can you please help…

  • Custom Series with custom data object bindings not working.


    I am implementing a custom series inherited from ": series", and I am trying to pass in more than a single collection of data points. The use case is that one of the data collections is actual data to graph and the second defines several "zones…

  • Custom Series with custom data object bindings not working.


    I am implementing a custom series inherited from ": series", and I am trying to pass in more than a single collection of data points. The use case is that one of the data collections is actual data to graph and the second defines several "zones…

  • WPF multiple clustered series


    Can anyone share a working example of Multiple Clustered Series in the documentation

    I need to create something very similar (2 columns,  1 line ) to this but…

  • Support for Using OlapXAxis with Multiple Y Axes

    Please provide support for having a secondary y-axis on a xamdatachart that is using an olapxaxis.

    Example: We would like to be able to chart income (large currency value) as columns on the primary y axis and a count of income sources (small integer value…

  • Add Value Annotation to Value Overlay

    Like Final Value Annotation, a customer would like to put annotations to value overlays.

  • Feature Idea: index of interval in AxisFormatLabelEventHandler

    In XamDataChart's Axis has AxisFormatLabelEventHander.

    The customer would like to get information that which interval is currently called.

    e.g. Let's set Interval value is 6 in CategoryDateTimeAxis class.

    and Min and Max range is 24 hours.each…

  • Set custom interval for Logarithmic scale for NumericAxis

    I've been trying to change the interval for my logarithmic scale (and other personalized NumericScaler axis) but even though the interval value changes in the control properties, the intervals and gridlines don't actually change, it only does so for lineal…

  • 1 Billion Data Values in a Data Chart

    It's no secret that you can provide many XamDataChart series with millions of records and still have smooth interactive panning and zooming. XamDataChart is designed from the ground up to not touch data that it doesn't need for the visual, and to…

  • Introduction to Series Data Correlation with XamDataChart

    This is one of the new features for you to take advantage of with the new release and it is a cooperation between the XamDataChart control and the CorrelationCalculator which is part of the Infragistics Math Calculators™ library. This integration provides…

  • The XAML Data Chart with High Density Scatter Series

    It’s an undeniable fact that charts are irreplaceable tools for visualizing large amounts of data for ‘at-a-glance’ tend spotting and analysis. While our XAML tools offer quite the range of chart types, you can say that the XamDataChart is the heavy lifter…

  • Introducing the XamFunnelChart

    The XamFunnelChart™ is a new control in 11.2 and as with other newly introduced controls following our Unified XAML strategy – they are Cross-platform and this one is no exception. It will be available in NetAdvantage® for Silverlight and WPF both Line…

  • How to use the Infragistics Math Calculators

    In a previous post we looked into using XamDataChart along with a Correlation calculator. But there’s much more – the Infragistics Math Calculators™ library offers quite a few calculators that can be used to perform mathematical or statistical calculation…

  • The XAML Data Chart now with Overview Plus Detail Pane

    The XAML cross-platform data chart component has been known for its heavy-lifting features – strong performance, modular design and nearly 40 series types and almost as much Financial  indicators (value overlays). It also sports a plethora of useful…