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  • XamSpreadsheet , Run Macro VBA


    Can anyone help me , how i can run run a macro via XamSpreadsheet

  • AutoFitColumnWidth not working when using display scaling


    We're using Ultimate UI 18.1 in our C# WPF application. We have a XamSpreadsheet, and we use following code to autofit the contents:

    new SpreadsheetCommand(SpreadsheetCommandType.AutoFitColumnWidth).Execute(_grid);

    This works perfectly, as does…

  • Change Excel template style after loading to Spreadsheet control


    I am loading the Excel template file which contains formatted table with headers with size of 14. Viewing the same data in the XamSpreadsheet control results in oversized font in multiple worksheets.

    As a workaround we tried to apply default normal…

  • DynamicArray in XamSpreadsheet 22.2.19 ?

    Is this functionality available in the current version? How can I turn it on?

    Dynamic array formulas and spilled array behavior - Microsoft Support

    I see that another spread component vedor has this feature. But I seem not find it in XamSpreadsheet 

  • Undo issue in the spreadsheet control

    We have encountered a new issue in the spreadsheet control when performing the Undo command (reproduced in the attached sample application). We have named references in the workbook which are updated dynamically (static references applied to entire column…

  • Spreadsheet validation rule problem after upgrade


    After updating Infragistics packages to the new version 21.1.27 we have observed a behavior change in the Spreadsheet control when using list validation rule for in-cell dropdowns. The dropdown list shows values from the first column (which are IDs…

  • Find and/or replace in-built dialog for the xamlSpreadsheet

    We would like have in-built find and replace dialog(s) to be available in xamlSpreadsheet control so it would be easy to find and/or replace the text within Infragistics Excel control. Additionally, it should have advanced settings to find in one or all…

  • XamSpreadsheet: Find and replace


    We implemented spreadsheet editor in our application, but now we've struggled to find built in Find and Replace functionality in XamSpreadsheet. Is there way to have Find dialog on Ctrl+F shortcut which is provided by Infragistics? 

  • Copy XamSpreadsheet programmatically

    I tried the below using XamSpreadsheet (version 19.2) but am getting a MissingMethodException (seems it is looking for LoadXLSXFunc).  Thought this would be pretty straightforward.  Any ideas what I am missing or improvements?

    var ss = new XamSpreadsheet…

  • Detect cell change/delete in active SpreadSheet


    We are implementing Dirty flag detection into XamSpreashead control but we face problems to detect early change/delete/add actions. We attached to WorksheetDirtied event but this event is raised even when scroll is changed thus does not fit to our…

  • Spreadsheet control column filter problem


    We are trying to apply filtering to spreadsheet columns. The filter is configured via Excel file (attached), which is loaded into the spreadsheet control as template. Most of cells are using the validation list but some not. Using applied filter results…

  • Cell content with verification is editible in protected mode


    I've just recently raised problem with showing empty entries for cells:

    Now there is follow up of similar topic: after…

  • XamSpreadsheet shows empty entries in cell validation

    I have a problem in the XamSpreadsheet regarding dropdowns. I created a small prototype to reproduce the problem.
    Both, the prototype and the excel-file that needs to be loaded into the application I put as an attachement to this post.


    Steps in Excel…

  • XamSpreadSheet - Option to highlight the dependent / referenced cells when a formula is applied or edited in a cell

    Excel like functionality where in you can see the cell's being referenced when a cell formula is being edited.

  • XamSpreadsheet & Excel Named References


    I am converting an existing winforms application that uses Excel COM Automation to a new WPF application using XamSpreadSheet and Infragistics Excel Engine.

    We have a lot of formulae and named references in our existing data. Loading these into…

  • XamSpreadsheet memory usage increasing


    I'm using XamSpreadsheet WPF for some sort of 'realtime' display.

    I tried with Infragistics WPF ultimate 18.2 and 19.1.

    I created a user function wich subscribe to data, and update some cells values.

    When doing this, the memory usage of…

  • What's New in IG TestAutomation 2015.2

    The primary focus for Infragistics Test Automation is to offer you peace of mind. Such that when you develop with our controls, your teams can seamlessly implement automated testing of the user interface (UI) to confidently produce higher-quality releases…

  • What’s New in Infragistics WPF 15.1

    The Infragistics WPF 15.1 release is upon us, and it’s time to see what new major features you’ll be getting when you upgrade.  Unlike the past four releases where we saw nothing but new controls on top of new controls and features galore,…

  • Getting Started with the Infragistics xamSpreadsheet CTP

    With the most recent release of Infragistics WPF 14.1, we announced the availability of a new xamSpreadsheet control as a CTP (Community Technology Preview).  Since this announcement, I have been getting a number of question regarding how to even get started…

  • What’s New in Infragistics WPF 14.2

    Try to think of your top three movie sequels.  Which ones come to mind?  Having trouble?  Well, that might be because it’s not often that you find a sequel that is just as good, if not better, than the first.  Well, grab your popcorn, your drinks, and…