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  • Adding Vertical and Horizontal ScrollBar to a XamDataGrid

    I have a XamDataGrid whose width and height adjust automatically according to the filled information. However, the XamDataGrid itself is part of a fixed sized grid. In some cases, the last column or row are being cut out. So I need for the XamDataGrid to…

  • Invisible column border in WPF xamGrid

    We have several xamGrids in our application but one (which just has text columns) is missing the border between two of the columns.

    The columns can be moved, hidden, shown and resized OK. In some cases the border reappears, but for the most part it's…

  • XamGrid, TemplateColumn


    I have 2 Columns. When the User enters a number in the first cell of the first row I want the second cell of the first row to get that number and display the result of a formula that is dependent on that number.

    I am using XamGrid and need to stick…

  • XamDataGrid vs XamGrid: Which WPF Grid Should I Choose?

    Which WPF grid should I choose; the xamDataGrid or the xamGrid?  If you use the Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF product then you have asked yourself this question many times without a clear answer.  Well, I’m going to make the answer crystal clear for…

  • Building a heatmap with XAML Grids

     The grid is one of the most useful controls for visualizing structured data. It gives you the opportunity to display and style your data according to your needs. There are numerous features that can help you customize it and provide best possible user…

  • XAML Bullet Graph : introduction and some tips

    xamBulletGraph header image

    The main idea behind a bullet graph is to present a progress against  a goal. It allows the end-users to visualize data in a simple concise view and thus create an attractive bar chart. The new xamBulletGraph control is a Infragistics XAML control which…

  • Get a descendant FrameworkElement based on its name.

    Back in July I wrote a blog post that showed how to add a checkbox to the row selector of the XamGrid and data bind to it.  The demo was written in WPF and used a method that exists inside a Utilities class.  Specifically Infragistics.Windows.Utilities…

  • XamGrid–Data Bind Checkbox in Row Selector

    I was reading the Infragistics forums today and noticed a common question regarding the XamGrid control.  Basically, there is a need to place checkboxes in the row selector of the XamGrid, and then data bind those checkboxes to a property of the bound…

  • New DateTimeColumn for the Infragistics XamGrid in 2012.1

    In previous versions of NetAdvantage for SL and WPF you had two options to handle columns with DateTime format. The first one was to use the DateColumn, which displayed your date appropriately and provided a date time picker to input the date – nothing…

  • Using Sparkline Chart Columns in XamGrid

    Not that long ago I  demonstrated how you can integrate our Sparkline control inside the cross-platform XamGrid. Well it seems like that might be a thing of the past now – no, not the Sparkline integration, but the method itself. While it would still be…

  • Our Spakline integrated in a Grid

    With 11.2 we introduced the XamSparkline control, which is in essence a fully-functional chart but with the major addition of being extremely compact. This is so important as it is intended to fit inside a grid cell. While this control is still CTP in…

  • Touch Gesture Support for XAML NetAdvantage controls

    It has been a clear trend over the past years to move a big deal of interaction with applications from the usual desktop experience to touch-enabled versions – easily portable and compact tablets, comfortable touch displays and a whole army of mobile…

  • XamInputs – a Cross-platform Editing Experience

    It has been a part of the company strategy to create a common experience while using our controls across all XAML platforms – something here at Infragistics we call the Unified XAML Product Strategy. Controls build on top of it are meant for rich Line…

  • XamGrid: Now with Excel Style Filtering

    The latest release of our NetAdvantage product has been truly feature rich. For 11.2 the XamGrid was made available for WPF and with that it joined the team of XAML Cross-platform controls. But it also received many improvements, one of those is a new…

  • Introduction to the Infragistics Undo / Redo Framework for XAML applications

    Application with heavy CRUD capabilities for the end user? Would the result be a chaos caused by users insisting for that one thing they just deleted? Turn that around (literally!) by providing some Undo action in your XAML application. That is exactly…

  • What's new in NetAdvantage for WPF Line of Business 11.2 Release

    The new NetAdvantage for WPF 11.2 is on the market these days. This is an amazing product, including many new features and many new useful features in existing controls and libraries. New controls support Infragistics shared XAML strategy to support the…

  • XamGrid Performance Optimization Using Simplified Templates

    The heart of the vast majority of Line of Business applications is the grid control. The XamGrid is a fully-featured, high-performance, highly-customizable grid control which is available as part of our NetAdvantage for Silverlight and NetAdvantage for…

  • Localizing your application using Infragistics NetAdvantage for WPF

    If your users’ native language is not English, you’re all too often faced with a localization requirement. You can easily setup the user code to display control strings in the required language, but what about the strings displayed in Infragistics…