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  • Sorting with the exported merge cells


    I am using the NetAdvantage 11 and I also use UltraGridExcelExporter to export my data from the grid to excel file. On my grid, there are many headers and when I export them into the excel file. From that excel file, I want to do sorting/filtering…

  • Load Excel and CSV file


     I want to load Excel(.xls) and CSV file in Silverlight environment.  I have able to load Excel(.xls) file using Infragistics.Excel but CSV is throwing some Format Exception. Could you please providate a sample application showing loading of both Excel…

  • Excel Export crashes to COM exception with Office 365

    We are using 14.1 version of your Silverlight libraries and have now discovered a problem with all of our Excel Exports. We have not touched the export code in a while and thus suspect it might have something to do with our recent Office 365 installations…

  • Incorrect Format String in Excel Export


    I'm using your Excel Export framework to export data to Excel. I set a custom format string to a cell but it seems that the Excel Export library does something to the string when applying it to the Excel. This leads to a situation where the format…

  • Converting excel formula from A1 to R1C1 format.

    I am uploading the excel file with formula's in A1 format. I want to store formula's to DB in R1C1 format. Is there any way of converting excel A1 formula format to R1C1 format?

  • DateTime value as Date type in Excel?


    I have a problem when exporting DateTime values to Excel. It seems I can only set the FormatString for the Excel value. Excel will then show my value as Custom type. If I don't set any FormatString, the type will also be Custom. Is there a way to…

  • WorksheetImage constructor failed with NullReferenceException

    "I'm trying to insert a png image from my project resources into an Excel worksheet.  When I pass the image to the Infragistics WorksheetImage object I run into a NullReferenceException."

    This is because the image probably hasn't been actually…

  • Adding an image to Excel worksheet


    Hi there,

    I'm trying to add an image from Silverlight over to my Excel xlsx workbook using the Infragistics.Documents.Excel library.

    I have got my workbook and worksheet all set up, and my image available in a System.Windows.Controls.Image variable…

  • Export to Predefined Excel with multiple headers


    I Have a very complex predefined Excel template. It is having multiple column headers like main headers and sub headers.  But I need to do is export the data from xamgrid to the predefined excel template. 
    The problem is some columns are hidden and…

  • Issues in exporting large decimal numbers to Excel


    I try to export a large decimal number someting like below.

    Workbook wb =//Load some workbook here

    Worksheet ws1 =//Select a sheet here

    ws1.Rows[3].Cells[1].Value = 12312312312.123546789012345679M;


  • Excel cell.Formula language issue


    i have a problem with the Infragistics.Documents.Excel Library. Within a Silverlight Application the user requests an excel file which is stored as a template on the server. This template contains various cell formula created by the customer (Formula…

  • Infragistics.Excel, Workbook.Load hangs



    I've written a routine in VB.NET to import an excel spreadsheet. This has been working fine and is now tried and tested.


    However, when we tried to import one particular spreadsheet (which includes complex formulas etc.) the process hangs…

  • Preserving Excel 2007 Features when using Templates, Code examples to insert Images

    Dear Infragistics Support,

    1. I have an Excel XLSX template I'd like to use so that I can have the header and footer already set up the way I want them to.  There are images in both the header and footer. If I simply open the Template and then immediately…
  • Worksheet.Columns.Count() Returning 0 in Infragistics.Documents.Excel (5)


    I had a code where I am opening an Excel sheet and using the columns.

    Earlier my project was in SL4 and was using Infragistics4, recently I moved my project to SL5 + Infragistics5.

    The code which was working fine in ver 4 is Not working in ver…

  • How to get datetime data from importing excel file?

    Try to import an excel file into xamgrid, but can't get right data for datatime.

    in excel cell, the data like: 2012-10-10.

    Code to import excel file: use OpenFileDialog to open excel file, then get data in Workbook. but data for above cell is: value…

  • convert infragistics workbook to standard excel workbook


    i created a workbook using your infragistics controls(infragistics.documents.excel.workbook). But is there any way to convert it to a standard workbook? I.e

    dynamic excel = automationfactory.createobject("Excel.Application");


  • Export lage data to Excel

    Hi: In my project, sometimes,I wii export lage data(more than 1,000,000 rows) to excel from the xam data grid. But if I do this, the computer will out of memory. So, I think is there have a solution to  solve this problem?

    Thank you

  • Is there a way to insert blank rows into the Excel Worksheet object/

    i don't see a rows.Add() type of method

    I need to add a couple of rows after a meraged area and above what would be my headers row and ppulates thsow ith aome passed in string date

    but I don't see a method that does this?

  • Alternate Color for Excel row using Infragistics Excel is not working

    In My Silverlight application I have created the excel spreadsheet using Infragistics Excel for Export functionality.
    But when I apply the alternate colors is to row is not working. Could you please let me know the steps to achieve this.

    My Code snippet…

  • Silverlight => Infragistics.Excel => How to set Height and Width of WorksheetCell.Comment..which is of type WorksheetCellComment

    I am creating comment with following code.

    cell.Comment = new WorksheetCellComment()


                                        Text = new FormattedString("Some Text"),


    where cell is WorksheetCell.

    With this code i is creating…

  • Can I change the formatting type on a cell from anything other than Custom?

    When I use the Infragistics Excel library to export to Excel, I can change the formatting by setting the CellFormat.FormatString property. This formats the string correctly, however in Excel this appears as a "Custom" format type. Is it possible to change…

  • Unsupported code page while using excel engine

    When I try using Silverlight Excel engine to load excel documents,  sometimes got the following error:


    Not supported code page
    Parameter name: codePage
       at Infragistics.Silverlight.CodePageEncoding.GetEncoding(Int32 codePage)
       at Infragistics.Silverlight…

  • Image is not exported to excel using Infragistic Excel

    In my Silverlight application we have to update the data to Predefined excel template and then export the data.
    But our predefined template is having company logo. Which is not appearing in excel when we export the file.

    Steps to achieve  the Export in Silverlight…

  • Currency format In excel column using Infragistics Excel

    Hi ,

    In our application I am using Infragistics.Excel to export the file. But I am not able to apply the Currency format for numeic values.  Please how can i specify the currency format.

    Ex:- 10,235.00 Ex: 0

    Could you please respond soon will be appreciable…

  • Paste from excel



    Can I paste data from excel into XamDataTree using Infragistics.Excel?

    And if yes then how?



    Alexey Lukyanov