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  • Export to Predefined Excel with multiple headers


    I Have a very complex predefined Excel template. It is having multiple column headers like main headers and sub headers.  But I need to do is export the data from xamgrid to the predefined excel template. 
    The problem is some columns are hidden and…

  • Alternate Color for Excel row using Infragistics Excel is not working

    In My Silverlight application I have created the excel spreadsheet using Infragistics Excel for Export functionality.
    But when I apply the alternate colors is to row is not working. Could you please let me know the steps to achieve this.

    My Code snippet…

  • Excel headers and footers

    I am trying to export the contents of a grid to Excel in a Silverlight application.  The export work perfectly well, but I have been unable to find a way to control the header and footer of the sheets I'm creating.  

    Ideally, I could put both text…

  • How do you export a rectangular shape using the Silverlight Excel class library?


    I have a need to export rectangular shapes in an Excel worksheet via the Silverlight Excel class library.

    To this end I tried to use WorksheetShape, but as it is an abstract class, I was not able to instantiate it. So, I created my own class…