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  • Load Excel and CSV file


     I want to load Excel(.xls) and CSV file in Silverlight environment.  I have able to load Excel(.xls) file using Infragistics.Excel but CSV is throwing some Format Exception. Could you please providate a sample application showing loading of both Excel…

  • Silverlight => Infragistics.Excel => How to set Height and Width of WorksheetCell.Comment..which is of type WorksheetCellComment

    I am creating comment with following code.

    cell.Comment = new WorksheetCellComment()


                                        Text = new FormattedString("Some Text"),


    where cell is WorksheetCell.

    With this code i is creating…

  • Currency format In excel column using Infragistics Excel

    Hi ,

    In our application I am using Infragistics.Excel to export the file. But I am not able to apply the Currency format for numeic values.  Please how can i specify the currency format.

    Ex:- 10,235.00 Ex: 0

    Could you please respond soon will be appreciable…

  • Access Excel in Lightswitch App

    I am able to use the Silverlight Excel assembly from within Lightswitch; however, if I try to use it directly I get a "Invalid cross-thread access." on workbook.load.  I worked around this by executing on the Main (UI)  thread.  Is this a limitation…

  • Set Print Area Using Infragistics.Excel


    Is it possible to set the Print Area using the Infragistics.Excel?

    If possible please send me the piece of code.It will be great helpful to me.

    I will appreciate if you Could respond immediately because its immediate requirement to go production…

  • Excel headers and footers

    I am trying to export the contents of a grid to Excel in a Silverlight application.  The export work perfectly well, but I have been unable to find a way to control the header and footer of the sheets I'm creating.  

    Ideally, I could put both text…

  • Export to excel asynchronously

    How do I export grid to excel in background thread..?
    Or Asynchronpously..?

    I am having XamWebGrid on page which get binded for 7 times with different data. When it get binded I add that grid as sheet in to excel.
    I want to achieve this in Backround process…

  • How to load excel with dynamic column collection


    I am looking to read an excel file into the workbook.

    the issue is that the columns in my excel sheet are not certain or pre-defined.

    They may vary and I don't want to put any column schema restriction as such.

    In the samples you have a…

  • Export to excel

    How do I export grid to excel in background thread..?
    Or Asynchronpously..?

    I am having XamWebGrid on page which get binded for 7 times with different data. When it get binded I add that grid as sheet in to excel.
    I want to achieve this in Backround process…