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  • I have installed Silverlight Line of Business, Where is the Excel Assembly?

    I have a license for Silverlight Line of Business 2011.1.   I installed it but I can not find any Excel assemblies. Where is the assembly that has the excel functionality?

  • Access Excel in Lightswitch App

    I am able to use the Silverlight Excel assembly from within Lightswitch; however, if I try to use it directly I get a "Invalid cross-thread access." on workbook.load.  I worked around this by executing on the Main (UI)  thread.  Is this a limitation…

  • excel file with dates

    what is the standard practice with pulling data out of spreedsheet (xlsx) that has a date column in it.  the data comes out of the field as double.  i checked the help file and didnt see any thing reguarding this?

    this is an ex of the line causing the …

  • Want ot set RowHeight of the Excel row.


    I want to set the Row height of the Excel row to some specifc defined value. I have used the below source code. But It didn't work.

        string resourceFile = report.ExportTemplateFilename;
                    StreamResourceInfo sr1 = Application.GetResourceStream…

  • conditional formatting on excel



    I am exporting data from xamGrid to Excel.

    How can i spply the conditional formatting in Grid to Excel?



  • Set Print Area Using Infragistics.Excel


    Is it possible to set the Print Area using the Infragistics.Excel?

    If possible please send me the piece of code.It will be great helpful to me.

    I will appreciate if you Could respond immediately because its immediate requirement to go production…

  • Slow with a large amount of data

    Good morning.
    I am using Infragistics Excel to treat a large amount of data that I bind to a XamGrid. The problem is that the loading of the grid takesover 15 seconds, while the data bind without using Infragistics Excel loads in less than a second. There are 35 000 rows and

  • It is possible to control the expanded / collapsed setting of the outlines in Excel via Infragistics.Excel library?

    Using the Infragistics.Excel library, I see that it is possible to create hierarchies in workbooks via setting the outline level. Is it possible to set whether or not each outline level is expanded or collapsed when the user opens the spreadsheet via…

  • SetFormatting is not correctly setting the cell style when using Silverlight Infragistics.Excel library

    I am not able to set the cell formatting via the use of the SetFormatting method. Settings such as the font name, height, color, fill pattern forecground color and fill pattern are not getting applied.

    I wrote code similar to the example provided for…

  • Autosize Excel cell using Silverlight Excel library

    How can I autosize cells (adjust the cell width to the width of the contents) using the Silverlight Excel library?

    Alternatively, if this is not available, how can I convert the displayed width of the XamGrid columns to an Excel cell width?

  • Export to excel

    We are trying to export a grid to excel. Is there a way we can apply a “Format as Table” into the data, so that the end users will have sorting and filtering capabilities in the generated excel?
  • Workbook silently failing to save/browser behaviour

    Using InfragisticsSL4.Documents.Excel.v11.1, version 11.1.20111.2054

    In Chrome, trying to save a spreadsheet with the same name as an open file fails (as expected) 

    In IE (9) in the same situation, no exception is thrown but the file is not saved.

  • Formatted cell values

    Normal 0 21 false false false NL-BE X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 …

  • Problem Exporting to Excel


    I have a problem with the option to export to excel (silverlight).

    Randomly, the order of the grid columns is not exported right and columns are displayed in a different position to which they are displayed on the grid.
    The worst thing is that it …

  • Excel headers and footers

    I am trying to export the contents of a grid to Excel in a Silverlight application.  The export work perfectly well, but I have been unable to find a way to control the header and footer of the sheets I'm creating.  

    Ideally, I could put both text…

  • Not creating the excel file for large Datatable throwing error


    I am using INfragistic EXCel to create a Excel file in server folder[Service layer]. It creates a file only if datatable has very few records.
    if dataTable has more records than it throws a Exception "Stream does not support reading". Please let me…

  • Excel export from Grid color is crosspatched and font is not getting applied



    The color when applied via cellformat shows a black patched display and is not solid.

    Also the font of white does not get applied when using the following code:.Please let me know an alternative code to remove the patch and apply the font.


  • StackOverflowException on workbook load

    I was having an issue with the DateColumn of the grid in the 10.2 release version, so I just tried the 10.3 version with the latest SR (2159) for all the components.  This resolved my DateColumn issue, but has caused a serious issue with the loading of…

  • Importing excel workbook values issue

    This is infragistics 10.3.  Is there a way to get the formatted value of a cell from a workbook that's been read in from a file?  The issue is that the second column contains dates.  But to excel, a date is a number with a format string applied.  So when…

  • implement progress bar on Workbook.Save(filestream)

    Is there a way to implement a progress bar on the Workbook.Save(filestream) method?


    Goolara, LLC

  • Excel Object Performance Issue with 300+ formula cells in 3 sheets


    We are using Infragistics Excel for Silverlight and have 3 sheets with average of 100+ formulas in a sheet and cells from one sheet use other sheet cells/formals. and it is taking too long to calculate and return results. We have tested the functionality…

  • Infragistic Excel Performance/Scalability issue


    We are using Infragistic Excel version 10.3 in our Silverlight 4 project. We are creating 3 sheets in it which have more than 100 values/formulas and all sheets are intra dependent (i.e. one sheet formula depends on other sheet formula). After filling…

  • Excel sheet to stay open

    After using SaveFileDialog and buiding the filestream, I do Workbook.Save(filestream). After this the contents of the grid is exported and saved in the excel sheet. Our users however want the excel sheet to remain open? Even better solution would be to…

  • Problem with CreateNewWorksheetCellFormat Method


    When I try to create a new CellFormat with the instruction (dataworkbook is a Workbook object) : IWorksheetCellFormat objCellFormat = dataWorkbook.CreateNewWorksheetCellFormat();

    I've got this error : NullReferenceException was unhandled by user…

  • XamGrid: Export to excel taking lot of time to replace existing file



    I'm facing one weird issue in export excel functionality in XamGrid 10.3, when I do export to excel with new file name, it is saving immediately; but when I replace an existing file then it is taking lot of time to show "Do you want replace" pop…