Blazor Circular Progress Overview

    The Ignite UI for Blazor Circular Progress Indicator component provides a visual indicator of an application’s process as it changes. The circular indicator updates its appearance as its state changes.

    Blazor Circular Progress Example


    Before using the IgbCircularProgress, you need to register it as follows:

    // in Program.cs file

    You will also need to link an additional CSS file to apply the styling to the IgbCalendar component. The following needs to be placed in the wwwroot/index.html file in a Blazor Web Assembly project or the Pages/_Host.cshtml file in a Blazor Server project:

    <link href="_content/IgniteUI.Blazor/themes/light/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <IgbCircularProgress Value=100/>

    Progress Types

    You can set the type of your indicator, using the variant attribute. There are five types of circular progress indicators - primary (default), error, success, info, and warning.

    <IgbCircularProgress Value=100 Variant=@ProgressBaseVariant.Success  />

    Indeterminate Progress

    If you want to track a process that is not determined precisely, you can set the indeterminate property. Also, you can hide the default label of the Ignite UI for Blazor IgbCircularProgress by setting the hideLabel property and customize the progress indicator default label via the exposed labelFormat property.

    <IgbCircularProgress Value=100 Indeterminate=true/>

    The following sample demonstrates the above configuration:

    Animation Duration

    You can use the animationDuration property on the IgbCircularProgress component to specify how long the animation cycle should take in milliseconds.

    <IgbCircularProgress AnimationDuration=5000 Indeterminate=true />

    Gradient Progress

    Customizing the progress bar in order to use a color gradient instead of a solid color could be done via the exposed gradient slot and IgbCircularGradient which defines the gradient stops.

    [!Note] For each IgbCircularGradient defined as gradient slot of Ignite UI for Blazor IgbCircularProgress a SVG stop element would be created. The values passed as color, offset and opacity would be set as stop-color, offset and stop-opacity of the SVG element without further validations.

        <IgbCircularGradient slot="gradient" Offset="0%"   Color="#ff9a40"/>
        <IgbCircularGradient slot="gradient" Offset="50%"  Color="#1eccd4"/>
        <IgbCircularGradient slot="gradient" Offset="100%" Color="#ff0079"/>


    The Ignite UI for Blazor Circular Procress Indicator component exposes CSS parts for almost all of its inner elements.

    The following table lists all CSS parts exposed by the Circular Progress:

    Name Description
    svg The progress SVG element.
    gradient_start The progress linear-gradient start color.
    gradient_end The progress linear-gradient end color.
    track The progress ring's track area.
    fill The progress indicator area.
    label The progress label.
    value The progress label value.
    indeterminate The progress indeterminate state.
    primary The progress indicator primary state.
    danger The progress indicator error state.
    warning The progress indicator warning state.
    info The progress indicator info state.
    success The progress indicator success state.

    API References

    Additional Resources