Global Themes

    The global theme allows you to quickly generate a theme that uses your custom color palette, schema, and elevations. The color palette, schema, and elevations will be propagated to all components that don't have custom themes created for them.


    If you've included the igniteui-angular.css file in your application project, now is a good time to remove it. We are going to use our own my-app-theme.scss file to generate a global theme for all components in our application.

    Ignite UI for Angular uses a global theme by default to theme the entire suite of components. You can, however, create themes scoped to components you have in your app, depending on your use case. For now, we will be including all of our themes in a single file. To generate a global theme we're going to be including two mixins core and theme. Both of those mixins accept a few arguments:


    Name Type Default Description
    $print-layout boolean true Include/exclude the styles for printing.
    $enhanced-accessibility boolean false Switches component colors and other properties to more accessible values.


    Name Type Default Description
    $palette map null The palette map to be used to by the default themes of all components.
    $schema map $light-material-schema The schema used as basis for styling the components.
    $exclude list () A list of component themes to be excluded from the global theme.
    $roundness Number 1 Sets the global roundness factor for all components (the value can be any decimal fraction between 0 and 1).
    $elevation boolean true Turns on/off elevations for all components in the theme.
    $elevations Map $material-elevations The elevation map to be used by all component themes.

    Let's create a custom global theme that will use the primary and secondary colors of our company.

    // Import the theming module
    @use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
    // IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:
    // @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';
    $primary-color: #2ab759;
    $secondary-color: #f96a88;
    $my-color-palette: palette(
        $primary: $primary-color,
        $secondary: $secondary-color
    // IMPORTANT: Make sure you always includecore first!
    @include core();
    // Add the typography styles before the main theme.
    @include typography();
    // Pass the color palette we generated to thetheme mixin.
    @include theme($my-color-palette);

    Let's explain what the core and theme mixins do. The core mixin takes care of some configurations, like adding enhanced accessibility(e.g. colors suitable for color blind users) and printing styles for all components. The theme mixin includes each individual component style (bar the ones listed as excluded) and configures the palette, schema, elevations, and roundness that is not listed in the $exclude list of components.


    Including core and typography before theme is essential. The core and typography mixins provide all base definitions needed for the theme mixin to work correctly.

    Excluding Components

    The theme mixin allows you to provide a list of component names to be excluded from the global theme styles. For instance, if you want to completely remove all styles we include for the igx-avatar and igx-badge to reduce the amount of produced CSS or to supply your own custom styles, you can do so by passing the list of components like so:

    // ...
    $unnecessary: (igx-avatar, igx-badge);
    @include theme($my-color-palette, $exclude: $unnecessary);

    If you know your app will not be using some of our components, we recommend you add them to the $exclude list.

    You can do the inverse, i.e. include only the component styles you want using the method below:

    @use 'sass:map';
    @function include($items, $register) {
        @return map.keys(map.remove($register, $items...));
    $allowed: (igx-avatar, igx-badge);
    @include theme(
        $exclude: include($allowed, $components)

    Light and Dark Themes

    In addition to the more powerful theme mixin, we include two additional global theme mixins for fast bootstrapping light and dark themes. Those mixins are light-theme and dark-theme.

    Here's a quick showcase of how you can create a light and dark theme for your application:

    .light-theme {
        @include light-theme($light-material-palette);
    .dark-theme {
        background: #333;
        color: #fff;
        @include dark-theme($light-material-palette);

    Ideally, you set .light-theme or .dark-theme classes on an element high in your application DOM tree. Your app-root element is a good candidate for that.

    Available Themes

    Ignite UI for Angular gives you the option to pick from a set of predefined themes. The table below shows all the built-in themes that you can use right away.

    Theme Mixin Schema Color Palette Available in version
    Material (base) theme() $light-material-schema null all
    Material (light) light-theme() $light-material-schema $light-material-palette 6.2 +
    Material (dark) dark-theme() $dark-material-schema $dark-material-palette 6.2 +
    Fluent fluent-light-theme() $light-fluent-schema $light-fluent-palette
    8.2 +
    Fluent (dark) fluent-dark-theme() $dark-fluent-schema $dark-fluent-palette
    8.2 +
    Bootstrap bootstrap-light-theme() $light-bootstrap-schema $light-bootstrap-palette 9.0 +
    Bootstrap (dark) bootstrap-dark-theme() $dark-bootstrap-schema $dark-bootstrap-palette 9.0 +
    Indigo indigo-light-theme() $light-indigo-schema $light-indigo-palette 10.1 +
    Indigo (dark) indigo-dark-theme() $dark-indigo-schema $dark-indigo-palette 10.1 +

    Note that all high-level theme mixins wrap the base theme mixin.

    All theme mixins can be used as a starting point to create your own theme. Let's create a new theme by using the bootstrap-light-theme mixin.

    // Import the theming module
    @use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
    // IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:
    // @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';
    $primary-color: #b71053;
    $secondary-color: #6c757d; 
    $my-color-palette: palette(
        $primary: $primary-color,
        $secondary: $secondary-color
    // IMPORTANT: Make sure you always includecore first!
    @include core();
    // Pass the color palette we generated to thebootstrap-theme mixin
    @include bootstrap-light-theme($my-color-palette);

    Browser Support

    Prior to Ignite UI for Angular 13, the value of $igx-legacy-support is quite important as it determines how component themes work. When its value is set to true, individual component style rules will have their values set at build time to the hard-coded values defined in their theme. If you set the value of $igx-legacy-support to false, however, style rules will look for values from CSS variables defined at the :root scope, or the nearest block scope.

    The general rule of thumb regarding what the value of $legacy-support should be dictated by whether you will be including support for Internet Explorer 11 or not. If you want to include support for IE11 set the $legacy-support value to true, otherwise setting its value to false (default) will force CSS variables for theming. Support for IE11 and older browsers was removed in Ignite UI for Angular 13.

    API Overview

    Additional Resources

    Learn how to create individual component themes:

    Our community is active and always welcoming to new ideas.