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  • IG XAMGRID: Disable record selection on right click

    I have an Infragistics Xamgrid which holds rows (records) of numbers.
    A right-click anywhere on the grid will open a context menu with simple copy, paste, and selection options.
    However, with popping up the context menu, the right-click also selects/ highlights…

  • WPF/XAML equivalent to UltraWinExplorerBar?

    I'm quite new to the Infragistics suite.  I'm trying to replace an old WinForms application with a WPF version.  The old application used the UltraWinExplorerBar, but I can't find it in the WPF version.  Is there something roughly equivalent? 

  • BadImageFormatException thrown for XamMultiColumnComboEditor in the Designer

    XamMultiColumnComboEditor control got into a bad state and I can not get past an exception being thrown in the designer.

    I have tried the following:

    1. Reboot

    2. Remove the control and re-add the control

    3. Remove all bindings and property settings

  • Retrieve Modified Records/Objects from XamDataGrid with MVVM Pattern

    I have a XamDataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel:

    public ObservableCollection<InventurPos> LoadedPositions { get; set; }


    <custom:XamDataGrid Name="InvPosDisplay" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" DataSource="{Binding LoadedPositions…

  • Add Image at Ribbon Group

    Hey experts, 

    I'm new to WPF. Currently I have task need to do some customization for RibbonGroup.

    May I know is that any way that I can add Image beside the RibbonGroup name like the Orange star in the picture below?

    Please guide me if this is possible…

  • Webinar Recap: Introduction to XAML (WPF) & Data Binding for Modernizing Desktop Applications

    This week I held a webinar for the APAC region: Introduction to XAML (WPF) & Data Binding for Modernizing Desktop Applications.

    WPF is around 10 years old, and the platform is mature. In the webinar, I explained why I would choose WPF over Windows…

  • Announcing the new WPF XamDataGrid Control Configurator

    If you're a customer of our Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF controls, then you are probably already aware of our innovative new control configurators.  Configurators enable Infragistics customers to more easily learn and discover the control APIs…

  • Count row with the same color


    i would like to count the total of row with  the same color inside a XamdataGrid ;

    i use this code in Xaml 

                            <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordCellArea}">

  • How to Bind Button with Text in XamGrid.

    Hi Everyone,

    I am working on XamGrid Infragistics and i want to display button with data in column . As shown in image.   

  • Visualize JSON Data Quickly Using XamCategoryChart

    With the simplicity of the XamCategoryChart it is easy to quickly display data from a JSON web service in three simple steps:

    1. Retrieve the data from the service using HttpClient.
    2. Deserialize the JSON data into a list of Dictionaries of type <string,object…
  • Introducing the New Xamarin & WPF Category Chart Control Configurator

    With Infragistics Control Configurators for Xamarin and WPF, you can choose and implement a preconfigured control in just seconds, without having to know the API or write your own XAML. Our configurators for grids, charts, gauges, and more include a rich…

  • Tips & Tricks in Visual Studio 2015 – Part 1

    This is the first blog post of a series that I plan on writing about Visual Studio 2015 tips and tricks. In part 1 of the series, we’ll look at the some of the new features in Visual Studio 2015 including multiple sign-in, device preview for Universal…

  • Converting WinForms to WPF: Should you consider it?

    WinForms has long been a popular way to develop form and GUI based applications, generally for Windows based devices. Part of the .NET framework, and originally seen as a replacement for Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), WinForms applications…

  • Dot.Net Rocks! episode on PRISM with Brian Lagunas

    Hardly a day goes by without new programs, products or updates being released from the tech sector, which certainly lives up to its dynamic nature. Last Thursday was no different, as Microsoft’s Patterns and Practices team announced that they will be…

  • Microsoft's Patterns and Practices Prism Change of Ownership

         Microsoft’s Patterns and Practices team announced today that they are about to undergo a change. In the past, the team has focused on creating and giving guidance on most major Microsoft platforms. Today however, the team has announced that they…

  • In the Community with Brian Lagunas

    We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Infragistics Product Manager, Brian Lagunas, to pick his brain about the tech community, his favorite events, and what the next best thing is going to be. Read on!

    Tell us a little bit about yourself.

  • VIDEO: Exploring the WPF Ribbon Control

    In this video, we're going to take a look at the new XAM ribbon and XAM ribbon window features that have been added in Infragistics Ultimate 14.1 to help give your applications a Microsoft Office 2013 look and feel.

    [youtube] width="640" height=…

  • Fill All of Your Development Needs with Infragistics Ultimate

    You might be familiar with some of our controls. But have you truly seen everything Infragistics can do for your development?

    We’ve been working hard to bring you the best possible tools, no matter what you’re developing for. So if you haven’t taken…

  • How to build XAML Doughnut Chart

    The Infragistics packages for WPF and Silverlight contain a lot of diverse charts for data visualization. The control that we are going to look at is The Doughnut Chart. This chart supports one or more rings surrounding a blank center. It can be customized…

  • Using QR Barcode with ASP.NET

    ASP.NET QR code header imageA QR code is a popular way to present small chains of information. Infragistics has a QRCodeBarcode control for both XAML and Ignite UI. I have already written about the Ignite UI control in my previous blog Creating a vCard QR Barcode generator with…

  • Building a heatmap with XAML Grids

     The grid is one of the most useful controls for visualizing structured data. It gives you the opportunity to display and style your data according to your needs. There are numerous features that can help you customize it and provide best possible user…

  • XAML Bullet Graph : introduction and some tips

    xamBulletGraph header image

    The main idea behind a bullet graph is to present a progress against  a goal. It allows the end-users to visualize data in a simple concise view and thus create an attractive bar chart. The new xamBulletGraph control is a Infragistics XAML control which…

  • How to get started with Windows UI Radial Menu for WinRT

    Header image for xamRadialMenu

    The Radial Menu is a circular menu that provides a fast navigation for users. This control is new in the 13.2 release of Windows UI and it is inspired by the Microsoft’s OneNote MX 2013 radial menu. This kinds of menus are very useful and  convenient…

  • Top Blogs of 2014

    This year, the folks at Infragistics have been hard at work building easy-to-use, lightweight tools that help you create amazing apps for every platform. And with those great tools comes a lot of supporting material: how to videos, blogs, and more.

  • The Windows 8 UI - An evolving design

    The Windows 8 user interface has generated a fair bit of debate since it was first unveiled by Microsoft. Loved by some, hated by others, it is certainly a radical departure by Microsoft. Designing the interface that they hope will replace the Windows…