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  • xamCarouselListBox item doesn't work fine loading a video


    We use the version 7.2 of infragistics controls. The items we add to the xamCarouselListBox are Buttons. In these buttons we load a storyboard that could be a video or an image. We use 4 items per page and we refresh the load of the video with a…

  • Select Item on IsMouseOver

    Is there a way to change the SelectedItem when the user clicks the mouse using XAML.
    I ultimately want the user to select an item using a mouse click, which would bring the item into focus (moves to the main position).
    Many thanks in advance for any help…

  • xamCarousalListBox and CollectionViewSource


     Hopefully I can explain myself relatively easily.

     I have a number of "CollectionViewSource"s defined with each one having a source="" which is a ObservableCollection from a WCF service.

    Now all my listviews work 100% but the…

  • XamCarouselListBox ItemTemplate for selected item

    Hi. I'm evaluating Infragistis WPF stuff. Looks great so far. However, I'm struggling with a feature.

    I'm building on the examples for the xamCarouselListBox in xamFeatureBrowser. I want to replace the datatemplate for the listboxitem when…

  • XamCarouselListBox - change the item position in code

    I can't find, how to change the item position in the XAMCarouselListBox. I'd like to show the select item always in the middle of the path. The path is a simple horizontal line.



  • Re: Scrolling on drag?

    I solved this same problem by using Microsoft's built-in inkpanel, which has mouse-gesture functionality built in. With the right configuration and surprisingly little code-behind (I think mine was about 10-12 lines) the drag technique you're talking…

  • How to set custom reflection for items displayed in XamCarouselListBox


    i have used XamCarousel listbox in my application.

    currently it display 100% reflection of items in carousellistbox control, but i required only 25% reflection for items displayed in control.

    how do i achive this in xamcarousel listbox.

    can you please…

  • Mixing xamCarouselListBox and MenuTool

    I'm pretty new to WPF and I'm attempting to use a xamCarouselListBox to display addresses in an interesting way, but I'd like my users have some menu items when they click on a data item.  Unfortunately, While I can can get the MenuTool objects…