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  • Double-click event in XamChart

    I want to double-click the chart view. How can I call the event on double click?

    What I ultimately want to do is move through the coordinate system gestures of the drawn chart. After that, when I double-click on the chart, I want it to return to the origin…

  • customizing data point selection in a chart


    I'm using Column Series and I'm trying to update or delete a data from the chart by interacting directly with my chart , so I'm trying to find a solution that when I select a column I can navigate to another page where I can modify or…

  • XamDoughnutChart becomes null after exiting last tab.


    This is a weird one...

    I am using Xamarin Forms and testing on Android only.

    I have a TabbedPage with 5 tabs at the bottom, that is hosted inside a NavigationPage.

    I have XamDoughnutChart with data that works fine in the first tab. Here is the code…

  • XLS0503 A value of type 'XamCategoryChart' cannot be added to a colelction or dictionary of type 'IGridList'.


    I am getting above error whe I follow a guide in here:

    I have added a refference from here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2019.1\Xamarin\References\Infragistics.XF.DataGrid.dll

    Here is my code…

  • Chart bar

    What is required is not having a group and generating a new color for each bar
    let it be painted, to have something like the following. Without each bar depends on lca
    number of properties that the entity has defined to show a bar with a
    new color.

    I have…