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  • WebDataGrid Returning Undefined using igtbl_getGridById

    Hello all,

    I have recently been expriencing a problem regarding my WebDataGrid returning as undefined when using the client-side igtbl_getGridById method, as shown below:

    var grid = igtbl_getGridById("<%= myWebDataGrid.ClientID %>");…

  • Handling *SelectionChanged-events in JavaScript through the CSOM

    HI all,


    I'm wondering what's the "correct" way to handle the Row-/Column-/CellSelectionChanged-events in the browser. ASP.NET AJAX already provides an event framework, the WebDataGrid, however, seems to roll its own implementation here.…

  • Problems adding row to grid with JavaScript CSOM

    I'm trying to create a VERY SIMPLE grid where a user can enter data.  No formatting, no AJAX stuff, just enter data and then submit the entire page.  It's proving to be quite a task.

    I'll go into my complaints about the standard Add Row behavior…

  • Get textbox values of selected row in ClientSide Javascript (RowSelectionChanging Client Side Event)


    Does documentation exist where I could find the appropriate javascript functions to use to access values in individual cell items of a currently selected row? I have created a JS event handler to handle the RowSelectionChanging event on the client…

  • How do I trigger a Data Bind on the WebDataGrid via the CSOM (Client-Side)

    I have my WebDataGrid bound to a SqlDataSource that uses a ControlParameter.  Using javascript, I've updated that control's value, but the WebDataGrid is not re-binding until a postback; I'd like to trigger the databind without a postback.