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  • UltraGrid sorting issue

    I am using Infragistics Ultrawebgrid on my asp page,now I need to sort data based on user clicked columns but every time i don't want to fetch the records from the table.

    I have enabled the in-build sorting property but at certain situations the sorting…

  • WebDataGrid ClientSide Add not working


    litle problem:

    Env.: VS 2008 Prof., Net Adv. 9.2

    i have a WebDataGrid with a Sql-Datasource. But AutoGenerateColumns="False"; since i only need some colums, and i set them manually in the 'columns'-section (prim-key included).…

  • JScript Resize WebDataGrid

    Is it possible to resize the WebDataGrid using JavaScript? 

    When I've tried I get the following error:

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this action

  • WebDataGrid - Try to set the "value" of a TemplatedGridColumn such that the Datasource recognizes GetChanges() as having records

    I am using a WebDataGrid (2011v1.2116).  I have a TemplateGridColumn that is a DropDownList Control.  I can get it to load and reload the correct value in the droplist. 

    However, when I post back after a client side change to the dropdown, the datasource…

  • How do I trigger a Data Bind on the WebDataGrid via the CSOM (Client-Side)

    I have my WebDataGrid bound to a SqlDataSource that uses a ControlParameter.  Using javascript, I've updated that control's value, but the WebDataGrid is not re-binding until a postback; I'd like to trigger the databind without a postback.

  • Select Row on Client Side Javascript


    I would like to select the first row of a WebDataGrid upon load in javascript.  I am calling the following function in the 'SelectionClientEvents -> Initialize' event.

    function SelectRow()
    var grid = document.getElementById('<%=wdgASNList…